Friday, April 29, 2011




It is okay to yield; many times yielding is the best thing I can do when I am dealing with others, that is of course as long as yielding does not compromise who I am, and what I have been directed to do by The DIVINE within me. Most of the time, yielding means only allowing someone to take the personal initiative, to do something a little differently than I would have done; yet still in conclusion, accomplish the exact same things or end results. It is like allowing someone to direct me on how to get to a destination that I am use to going to another way. My way might be quicker, and their way might be more scenic, however both ways get us to where we want to go. Nevertheless, if yielding to another means, compromising that which I know I should and must be doing, and it will lead me completely off of my Sacred Path, I must not and cannot yield.

Sometimes yielding to another means, allowing them to take the initiative to stand up and take the lead. Many times it also means standing back and allowing others to teach me different ways of doing things. There is always room for expansion in the way I see, hear, believe, and do things; school is still in session and all of us are both the student and the teacher. As I yield, I am learning as well as teaching. This experience we call life, is all about a perfect balance between giving and receiving. Many times, when I yield I am reminded of a way that I use to do things, a way that I some how allowed to slipped to and remain in the back chambers of my mind. So, yielding to others sometimes awakens that which has been lying dormant within me, which I can and should access and benefit from.

As I reviewed past experiences in my life, I came to recognize that in the past, I sometimes had a problem with yielding to others, when I knew the way to do something myself. I was actually allowing my ego to get in the way of possibly learning something new, or learning a better way of doing that which I already knew how to do. Since the beginning of time, ego has been responsible for many having to experience much unnecessary difficulty. Ego always wants to point out that I know this, and I know that, so that others will praise them as being more intelligent then most. You see, humanity has fallen for the trick of competition, and completely done away with the Divine Reality of Oneness. Without oneness we can do very little, because the Unity of Oneness is what holds everything together in this physical realm. Without the Unity of Oneness, there would be nothing to hold Earth Mother together for us to exist on her as we do today. Life is not meant to be about competition, it is about cooperation, working together as the single finely tuned Sacred Creation that we eternally are.

I had to reach the place of seeing the act of yielding in its true light, which is the act of stepping aside to allow others to also feel the glory of accomplishing something. Not being able to yield was a sign of unhealthy selfishness on my part. There is enough glory for us all to wade in continually. The best glory known to humanity, is the glory shared when others succeed. There is nothing like it in this world. If I always did things my way, and never allowed anyone else to do things their way, I would be extremely limited in learning new things. Others do thing different from me because of the different experiences they have had in life. So, in essence, some things I cannot learn without my sisters and brothers input. That is due to the fact, that I do not have the referencing input that they possess by way of the combination of personal life experiences acquired, as they journeyed along their path through this physical plane.

It is of the utmost necessity that I completely yield to the Whole of Creation, in its varied forms of manifestation. I must yield in such a way that I demonstrate that the Whole of Creation is consciously just as important as I am. I must completely shake off the false belief that humanity is more important, and superior to other forms of life. I must learn to yield to that which is more important for the well being of Earth Mother, verses what is more important and convenient for me. Likewise, I must learn to yield to the entire animal and other living creature kingdoms I share this Wonder-Full Paradise with. Yielding in such a way, means building and living in a way that takes into consideration how what is being done will affect Earth Mother, and the inhabitants that already dwell where I am thinking about living. Most of the turmoil we see happening around the world today, is happening because we gave little to no thought at all to whether or not what we were planning to construct, was in harmony with Earth Mother and the animal and insect kingdoms. If we deal with Earth Mother in an unbalanced way, eventually our choices will return to us demanding a price we feel is to great to pay; such as the complete lost of all our possessions, and/or the life of ourselves or a loved ones. Being out of harmony carries a substantial price, a price that we will eventually have to pay whether we like it or not. At such times as those, I find out how insignificant my little wants and desires truly are.

As I allow myself to look at life through the eyes of my continually awakening and evolving Spiritual Consciousness, I am seeing things much clearer; I am starting to see things as they truly are. However, seeing everything through my Spiritual Consciousness, calls for much more yielding. As I think about it, to yield is to actually humble myself, and prefer others before myself. Many feel that to do so is to neglect ones own needs and desires, however that is not the case at all. Universal Law dictates that which we give, will return to us multiplied many times over. That is none other than the Universal Law of Reciprocity, which guaranties mutual returns. In other words, I reap that which I sow. If I plant a peach seed, I will get a harvest of many peaches, and that harvest will have hundreds if not thousands of seeds in all of the peaches produced by that single peach seed that was planted.

As I now see, and properly comprehend, yielding at the proper time, means planting a seed that will produce a huge blessing when the time is right. Yielding is a selfless action that will produce many blessings for others and ourselves alike. To live life fully as we are supposed to, means, that we must yield in a balanced way. I am so grateful for the following revelation. To yield is not to be weak; to yield is to receive one of the most powerful strengths known to humanity, standing tall, strong, and unshakable in the Oneness of Divine Unity. Because of the Oneness of Divine Unity, I always yield at the appropriate times as I sojourn through this dense physical plane with Great Joy and Satisfying Pleasure.

Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala

Copyright © April 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011


Know Thyself!

Click on the words ON LEADERSHIP under the picture to see the video.


I Am Learning How To Follow My Higher Self, My True Me, My Only Me!

What Are You Doing?

One Love, Unconditional!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Love; Is There Anything Else?


LOVE; Is There Anything Else?

It is late one night, and I am thinking about my life, and all of my experiences, both pleasant and not so pleasant. I have been fighting to survive my entire life; even before I was born I was fighting. I was born premature and had to start this life out fighting to survive. Throughout my life at home, and elsewhere the fighting went on and it still continues. Many times throughout my 57 years of life, I wanted to just give up and die. However, as all can see I am still here, and I am still fighting, that surely amounts to something.

I no longer want to give up, and I will never return to that dark frame of mind. I cannot lie; sometimes I still get a little tired of fighting. Nevertheless, somehow I always find a way to draw on the strength within me that is needed to carry on and find my place of balance. There are those who see me as nobody, just another someone who will never amount to anything. Also, there are those who feel that I am cursed and will never get anything and never become anyone they would want to associate with. There are even those who feel like I am no more and no less than a user and con man. I actually had someone call me a user once. That was one of the most hurtful things ever said to me. However, I understand why people feel as they do, and I do not blame them, nor do I have any harsh feeling of anger or hatred towards them. Hopefully one day they will look at my life and say; he made it, he actually made it, good for him. Or they will say this, you know what; he might have been a little strange, but he never gave up. He may not have gotten everything he was after, but he never gave up, good for him for staying the course.

I do not want much out of life; just enough to take care of my responsibilities and to have a few nice things. Long with that all I want is enough left over to help a few people in need. One of my responsibilities in this lifetime, is to some how getting my children to know how much I truly do Love them. My Love for them was misunderstood when our family broke up. One last and very important thing I would like to experience in this lifetime is, connecting with that Special Lady, that Sacred Woman who will Love me for who I am and nothing more, and I will Love her for who she is and nothing more. We will come together and live together in Unconditional Love and Happiness, because we first Love ourselves. I must and will, hold fast to all of my dreams and goals until they come true. Or until I eventually make transition, while in the process of doing all that is physically possible, trying to make them all come true and become a part of my reality. I will not give up no matter what. Matter of fact, I cannot give up no matter what.

One day, I will be known for who I truly am, a Good Loving Man Who Cares About and Loves Everyone. I will never be educated like a scholar, and it is possible that I may never be wealthy. Nevertheless, I will always have a wealth of Unconditional Love to share with everyone, to share with the whole of creation. If in the process I make a few mis-takes and repeat a few blunders, everyone must pay that no mind; it is all part of my journey called life. However, one day when all of the dust clears, to the amazement of many, I will still be standing tall and strong.

It is morning now, and I awakened with my experiences in this lifetime still a little fresh on my mind. Even though I do not quite know what it is, I know deep within me that there is a purpose for all of this. That is why I can and am finding the faith within my Spirit, to stay the course. I am a Love Warrior, an Ambassador of Love; Love is my driving force and my Eternal Comforter. Here is something I wrote in 2008 about Love.

LOVE Is All There Is!

When it comes down to loving others as deeply as we sometimes do, many times we completely forget reality and do that which we know deep within ourselves, deep within our Spirits that we should not do.

LOVE is so warm and generous, it causes us to see through the pure unconditional sight created and given to us by MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD. Our connection to LOVE is complete and liberating, yet dishonesty and deception is so sneaky, it can come swiftly and knock us out of balance with LOVE, because deception is ruthless, persistent, and pretty darn hard and relentless.

So why should we keep loving, why should we keep trying, when for the most part it seems like all we always receive in return is a great deal of pain and suffering? We should and must keep loving, and keep trying simply because we are learning to be LOVE, we are learning how to give LOVE unconditionally. We must LOVE without expecting anything in return, and without pointing a finger of blame at anyone, not even ourselves, especially when LOVE does not return to us in the way that we want it to. However, the number one key, the secret to LOVE, is learning to LOVE ourselves first.

We are supposed to LOVE unconditionally. However, we are not to submit to anyone’s cruel and/or self-centered abuse in the name of Unconditional LOVE. We must learn how to LOVE as we also learn how to release all expectation of LOVE, especially if all we are receiving in return is a systematic shower of self-centered abuse, from someone who is Spiritually and mentally unconscious, and unaware of the Divine Creative Energy that LOVE produces, in and through us as we give it freely.

When we are abused in the name of LOVE, it is capable of bringing out the worst in us if we allow it to. Believe it or not, that is a very good situation to be in, because such situations are designed to expose the dark negative energies that are lurking and hiding deep within us. Once all of the hidden mess we have allowed to build up within us is exposed, we must bathe all of the negative thoughts and energies, with the Healing Balm of Unconditional LOVE. In time, that will completely clean up the areas within us where darkness of negativity is trying to hide, and take root as a negativity bearing crop of doubt, fear, hopelessness, pain, suffering, and debilitating stress.

We are LOVE, because we are created by LOVE, and LOVE ITSELF is none other than MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD. Mankind’s greed, deception, and delusion with LOVE and what LOVE truly is, has tripped humanity up and mis-leads us completely. Nevertheless, that is only a temporary situation, because we are starting to remember that we are one with the Power of LOVE, which can and does Conquer All. As time and challenges pass, we are starting to consciously embrace this reality and come to know that the LOVE that Conquers All, resides eternally within our Spirits.

Therefore, we must not be so hard on ourselves when deception sneaks in, hurts us and the pain reaches way down to the very core of our soul. That is the time for us to still ourselves, and then call out to LOVE within our Spirit. That is when LOVE will reach out to us, embrace us, and pour the Healing Balm of Unconditional LOVE all over us, completely saturating us from head-to-toe, and in turn heal our minds, our thoughts, our bodies, it will even heal our relationships.

Sad hard times, just like Beauty-Full Joy-Full times, visit with us to bring healing, restoration, transformation, and growth to us, once again causing each of us to see that we are and always have been full of LOVE, perfection, and also full of the Divine ever so Brilliant Beauty of MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD. Each and every one of us was created Perfect and Whole before our physical incarnation here on Earth Mother. That was made possible through the Unconditional LOVE of our Beloved Precious Spiritual Parent, MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD. When we consciously allow ourselves to enter into Sacred Consciousness, we are given the Sacred Gift of mental restoration and true remembrance of who we are. Could there possibly be anything else we need outside of LOVE and Divine Revelation? Absolutely Not!


You Are LOVE

LOVE Is All There Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


(Revised 04.25.11)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

You won't hear this on any mainstream news!!! (Nuclear Fallout)

Knowledge Properly Used Translates Into Power!

Everyone Must Hear and Comprehend What This Means.

Listen to this, I mean really listen to this. Obama knows what she is saying is true. He must stand up and say no more. He must stop the wars we are in and start the process of doing away with the American system of destruction and death. He must also say; no more to all of the other leaders of the world.

Yes He Can! He can say and do that if he only has 10% of the power he is supposed to have as the President of America. Either he is a part of the solution, or He 'Is' The Problem!

How much more death and destruction will it take? There is not much more man can do to this planet before we reach the point of no return. Beloved, we are closer then you could ever imagine, of reaching the critical mass needed to end all life on this planet as we know it. The madness must be stopped.

One Love, Unconditional!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Reverse Osmosis Water/EcoloBlue Life

EcoloBlue Atmospheric Water Generators

Believe it or not, Earth's atmosphere contains more water than it's vast oceans. Water extracted from the moisture in the air. Check it out, click on the word Technology below.

Radiation-Fighting Powerfood


Radiation-Fighting Powerfood

The oldest plant on earth protects you from modern dangers.

The radiation plume drifting onto North America from the Japanese quake disaster is not considered a serious health risk by authorities; but many people want extra protection — particularly if the situation becomes worse.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Meat Glue?


The government is allowing horrendous things to take place at the possible cost to our health and our lives. What does that tell us? That tells me that the government cares nothing at all about us and our health, or our overall well-being. All they truly cares about is you and me continuing to spend our hard earned money on inferior, cheap, defective, and deadly products; and making the rich (Mega-Marts and others like them) richer.

Worst of all, they allow foods that could possibly kill us, and in many cases food that they know will eventually surely kill us. They allow such products onto the shelves of the super markets, and eventually onto our plates in our homes. That is the main reason why so many people around the world hate America/Americans. Many see Americans as the most ignorant people on the face of the earth. A good example is what you see in the video here. They use a product they call meat glue. Mixing it is so dangerous that they have to wear a mask for protection.

The truth sets us free; the truth also empowers us beyond measure. Today we must choose very carefully what we eat, drink, wear, and allow into our homes. Just because it is approved by one of many government agencies in this country, does not mean it is healthy and safe. The way that things are now days, it is almost as if the government approves it, we had better stay away from it.

One Love, Unconditional!

Baba Shambhala

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Awakening As One

It is only in ‘letting go’ that one may become ‘open like a child’
and receive the grace of world-altering Revelations.

"Revelations" from keith wyatt on Vimeo.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Knowledge Is Power


The above symbol is known to many as OM or AUM.
By some, OM is said to be the word uttered that spoke creation into existence.

Knowledge is Power, and the knowledge of what words are capable of doing, is extremely important concerning what type of reality we will create for ourselves. Words are the substance responsible for the creation of everything in this physical realm. Humanity of ancient times knew that Sacred Truth; that is why you will find in just about every religion, a statement that goes something like this. God spoke the world and everything else into existence. Here is a very famous quote from the bible known by many; “And God said, let there be light: and there was light.GODDESS/GOD, and those created in IT’S image and likeness create physical reality with words. Like everything, words have a dual nature, a positive energy and a negative energy. Both positive and negative energies together in a balanced way produce free flowing harmony. When either of the energies is out of balance, a blockage is created that stops the flow and things become stagnant, that produces chaos and all manner of discord. A very good example that I like to use is a battery. When there is a balance between the positive and negative charges of a battery, it produces power that can be harnessed and used for many things. When the balance of energy is no longer maintained, the battery stops working. There is no more chaos created when things are out of balance due to an overwhelming amount of negative energy, than is created from an overwhelming amount of positive energy. An imbalance is an imbalance; such produces the same result every time, which is Universal Law.

Every single one of our words and thoughts, written and spoken actually adds an additional building block to the creation of our current reality; another energy is added to our individually created surrounding world. What are we saying, and what are we creating each and every single second of our lives? We must be ever so conscious, and ever so careful of every word we think, write, and say, because they are seeds that we plant in the most fertile soil there is, our minds. Our minds are our personal gardens that produce a bountiful harvest after the word-seeds we plant in them. Our minds are also likened unto our personal factories. The materials we supply the factory with, is manufactured into a product, and that product is then delivered to, and made a part of our surrounding reality. We must never forget about the creative power that rests within us. We are creators, and we are creating something every single second of our existence while we sojourn through this dense physical plane.

We must slow down; everything that we do must be done consciously and deliberately. Everything; every thought, word, and action must be given the proper time it needs to germinate. If the gestation time is not appropriate, everything will be thrown out of balance, and the creation will not be what it should be. In baking a cake, the proportioned ingredients used must be right. If you are one who likes sweets, and you add double sugar to the cake, the sweets will be out of balance with the rest of the ingredients and the cake will be ruined. Some think that you cannot have to much of a good thing, and they see the positive as being good, and the negative as being a bad thing. Positive and negative are not good and bad, they are positive energy and negative energy, that is all they are, and properly used in a balanced way, they do what they are created to do, create after their own kind. One is absolutely no good without the other.

This is an excerpt from my up and coming book.

Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala

Copyright © April 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

Black Mountain: Such Beauty-Full Energy


Such Beauty-Full Energy

Today after working for my old neighbor and very good friend Mike, he treated to a priceless experience, a wonder filled drive through one of many extremely beauty full mountainous areas of North Carolina not far from where I now live. I must say, it was one of the Most Beauty-Full experiences I have ever had. I was gifted with beholding the Awesome Majestic Natural Beauty of Earth Mother in all of Her glory and grandeur.

As I was being driven down the winding mountain roads, the following thought entered into my mind. If every human being had a chance to see the glory of this Divine Awesome Spell Bounding Majestic Beauty, and allowed it’s Sacred Creative Energy to fully penetrate deep within their Spirit, Mind and Body, humanity would not be able abuse Earth Mother and each other in the way they have been, and are doing to this day.

Everything that you see, touch, and hear is a major part of Earth Mother. Yes, every single thing around us is a part of the Whole of Creation. If this experience I was gifted with, was part of everyone’s life experience, they would feel and experience in a multitude of ways the Glory of Creation in its awesome, countless Spiritual and physical expressions of Love, Light, Oneness, Peace, Beauty, and Harmony. In addition, they would not even be able to think a single thought that was not in lock step, and in one accord with that which is responsible for all of the Beauty and Unconditional Love that surrounds us, and is within our Spirit eternally. The true comprehension of the Glory of Creation, would cause all to consciously experience the Eternal Unconditional Love of GREAT MYSTERY, and everything else that reflects, produces, and promotes Unconditional Love, Eternal Life, the Light of Creation, and every other manifestation of the Positive Creative Energy of the Creator of All Things, GREAT MYSTERY. Thanks Mike!

To GREAT MYSTERY goes all of the Glory!

Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala

Copyright © April 2011