Sunday, May 22, 2011

Deception; Deceiving Self


Deception; Ultimately The Path of Deceiving Self

When we deceive others we are actually deceiving ourselves, ultimately the path of deception always leads back to the deceiver. After we rehash our elaborate deceptions over and over again, we start to believe in them, and see them as reality. That is a trick that can only be perpetrated against the limited human intellect. That is the main reason why it so important that we do not rely on our human intellect, and still ourselves, and go within our Spirit and tap into The DIVINE SPIRIT of WISDOM many call God. When we deceive others and begin to live our lives on deception we create a fantasy world that we actually end up inhabiting, and reaping the fruits of. After a certain period of time, which varies from individual to individual; our sub-conscious starts to embrace the deception as truth, and we fall further into the rabbit whole of the our deceptive make-believe world. The exact same thing happens to us when we lie to others. However, every now and then we slip back into reality and the truth comes out and exposes us for what we have truly been doing, deceiving others as well as our selves. When we fall into the trap of deceiving ourselves, we show how spiritually immature we actually are. The truth never changes; the truth leads us along the path of righteousness, the path we are supposed to be traveling. Even when the truth is, I have failed; it eventually creates a positive outcome. The old saying, “The Truth Will Set You Free,” is true. Facing the truth even when it is uncomfortable is very rewarding.

Seldom do we fully understand how our deception can harm others. Every time we deceptively communicate with another, we are taking the chance of causing them to go down a path that could be very harmful to them and others. I fully understand that everyone is totally responsible for everything they do; every choice they make is their responsibility. Nevertheless, we are held accountable for the part we play in their mis-direction. So, it is better for us to admit to all of our shortcomings, and to say what we really want from others, than to deceive others and paint a rosy picture of something that is not true, and is not a part of our reality even in the stretching of the truth. What a fickle and wicked trap we weave for ourselves, when we intentionally set out to deceive our sisters and brothers for our selfish gain. As I have pointed out many times in the past concerning other situations, the Divine Law of Reciprocity dictates that we reap what we sow many times over. When we deceive someone, we are visited by deception multiplied many times over. The Divine Law of Reciprocity is the main reason why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. On one hand the rich plant word seeds, thought seeds, and action seeds of prosperity and flow; on the other hand the poor plant word seeds, thought seeds, and action seeds of poverty and struggle.

Most of the time we deceive others so that they will yield, and give us everything that we want, and give us our way. However, sometimes we deceive because that is what we saw done, and what we were taught at a young age. In addition, we deceive others in believing that we are someone other then who we are, because we are fearful that they would not like us or want to be with us if they really know us as we are. Nonetheless, the path of deception is always the wrong path to travel. It is utterly impossible to keep up the deception indefinitely, eventually the truth always rises to the surface; and then it will expose us for who we truly are. Sometimes our deception starts out as a form of personal embellishment; which is the act of adding ornaments or decorations of some type that will possibly cause us to look more accomplished, more beautiful, and more interesting than we believe we are.

We must find a way to accept ourselves as we are, and know that we were created in, and through Divine Perfection. That can only mean that we are perfect as we are. We are simply in the process of waking up to the Divine Reality that we are Perfect Spiritual Beings, which are on a temporary sojourn, through a dense physical plane. Once we are fully awake spiritually, we will know that there is no need for deception. Matter of fact; once we are fully awake spiritually, deception will not even be an option that is available to us. We can only contemplate and be deceptive when we are not consciously in touch with our True Selves, which is our Higher Spiritual Selves. Once we reach that place in our physical existence, we will come to know that there is no such thing as our lower selves, or lower nature as some teach. Everything within our Spirit, which is who we are, is Divine in its origin, and also Divine in its nature. In addition to that, everything that is within us can only vibrate at the highest frequency modulation possible, because every energy, every frequency within us, is firmly rooted deep in the Eternal Spiritual Realm.

Is it possible to play a trick on one member of your physical body and not affect the entire body? It is impossible to do that because of the oneness of the body. It is likewise impossible to trick one of our sisters or brothers and not affect ourselves. That is because of our connection, because of our Divine Oneness with all of our sisters and brothers. We have some individual characteristics, yet we are not individuals that are set apart from our sisters and brothers. We can only comprehend and experience our true Spiritual Oneness, when we cease to practice deception of every kind. If we deceive someone today, we will be deceived many days in the future, maybe even many years in the future. What a fickle and wicked trap we weave for ourselves, when we intentionally set out to deceive our sisters and brothers for our selfish gain.

We Must Stop Deceiving Others, As Well As Ourselves!

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © May 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sacred Touch


Sacred Touch

When was the last time that you touched yourself in an intentional way? I am not talking about touching yourself in a sexual way; I mean in an intentional way to stimulate Sacred Balance and Divine Healing within your body, your total being, and within your aura. So often, if not always we look outside of ourselves for that which we need, what makes us thing that what we need is to be found outside of ourselves. Why were we given brains and the abilities to create and do for ourselves? We must regain our Spiritual Focus, regain our Sacred Balance and start to do for ourselves as intended. We are gifted far beyond what we give ourselves credit for. We must stop selling ourselves short, then we will stop falling short of our intended goals. We are the only things that are stopping us.

Within us resides the gift of healing; yes, within you and I lives the ability to heal ourselves. However, just as it is with just about everything that we do, we must learn how to properly use our gifts. The only difference between the person who does not heal him or herself and the healer is, the healer believes he or she can heal, and they take it one step further, they practice healing themselves and others. A healer is not intended to continually go about healing the same person time after time. The reason we are allowed to heal another is not solely to heal them, in addition it is to showing the person being healed that within them resides the same ability to heal them. Many healers are not aware of that Divine Reality. Even though they have learned how to tap into their healing powers and abilities within themselves, does not mean that they are fully evolved Spiritually, and understand that they are no different, no more gifted then the person they are facilitating the healing for. Some healers have not yet understood that they are to be teachers and examples of what we all must do; they are to teach others that all of us have the same healing abilities within our Spirit. There are no chosen few. All of us are chosen to do exactly the same thing, be the Divine Beings That We All Were Created To Be. How can it be any different? PERFECTION ITSELF created each of us; PERFECTION cannot create anything that is less that ITSELF. In essence, that means that we are Perfect Creations, and not imperfect sinners who are unworthy a complete full life of abundance of every kind, lack and self-denial of that which is good is not a sign of Spirituality and Sacred Devotion to GODDESS/GOD. We are Perfect Beings who stopped performing perfection because we stopped going within to receive the answers and blessings that have been provided for us directly from our SACRED SOURCE, MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD.

It is time that we stopped living the counterfeit lifestyle, of being a lowly creation in need of continual outside assistance. Everything that we could ever possibly need was gifted to us before we experienced this physical incarnation into this dense physical plane. The first healing that we need is; The Healing of Our Spiritual Perception. We do not see ourselves as we truly are, we see ourselves as helpless beings in need of a savior outside of ourselves. As long as that is our belief, that will be our self-imposed faulty reality. This to shall pass; the only question is how long will it take to pass; that is totally up to the us. We are in control of everything that happens as we sojourn through this dense physical plane. We Are The Authors of Our Reality, the big question is this; what will we choose to create? Will we be lazy and continue to create a reality that looks without and tries to avoid our responsibilities, or will we open our eyes and wipe the sleep of deception from them and start to see the clear reality of our Divinity? The choice is ours.

When was the last time that you consciously touched yourself in and intentional way?

When did you last touch yourself with the intention of Balancing and Healing Yourself?

Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala


Copyright © May 2011

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Five Myths about Vegans


Five Myths about Vegans
By Carol J. Adams, Published: April 18

Though former president Bill Clinton isn’t technically a vegan, his embrace last year of a “plant-based” diet with “no meat” and “no dairy” — and his accompanying 24-pound weight loss — made headlines for a small but growing movement. After all, only 3.2 percent of Americans are vegetarian, and just .5 percent fly the vegan flag, eschewing all animal products and byproducts in their kitchens and closets.

But is veganism healthy? Emasculating? Difficult? Let’s get the skinny on this unusual lifestyle.

1. Vegans have trouble getting enough protein.

“Where do you get your protein?” is probably the top question vegans get. But protein doesn’t have to come from animals. Plant protein is neither incomplete nor inadequate — and it’s high-fiber, low-fat and cholesterol-free. Animal protein, which does not contain fiber, is high in fat and cholesterol, and it is associated with increased risk of heart disease, loss of calcium from bones and poorer kidney function.

Nutritionists agree that adults who consume about 2,000 calories per day should get about 50 grams of protein. What’s a vegan to do? Well, a half-cup of chickpeas contains 6 grams of protein. A half-cup of firm tofu contains 20 grams. A veggie burger has about 15 grams. We can get to 50 grams pretty quickly without meatloaf or bacon.

Any vegan diet that includes a variety of plant foods provides all the protein an individual needs. This is true for adults, teens and, according to pediatrician Benjamin Spock, even children. As nutritionists Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina explain in “Becoming Vegan,” the answer to that often-asked question is: “from all of the whole plants I eat.”

2. Vegans have countless rules about what can be eaten.

To vegans, it appears that meat-eaters are the ones with lots of rules. In the United States, people eat cows but not horses, and chickens but not cats. But among Hindus in India, cows are verboten, and in the Philippines and Korea, Lassie is on the menu. Some religions forbid eating pigs, while others don’t. In the face of these varying, often contradictory norms, vegans have only one rule: We don’t intentionally eat, use or wear anything from an animal — whether meat, leather, eggs, milk, wool, silk or honey.

If veganism seems to need an instruction manual, it’s because dead animals turn up in unexpected places. Most marshmallows contain gelatin, derived from animal bones. So do gelcaps and photographic film. Hostess fruit pies (but not Little Debbie’s) are made with beef fat. Dryer sheets have animal fat, too. Toothpaste may contain bone meal. And shampoo may have egg protein.

Sure, the list seems to go on and on. But at your chain supermarket, more products than ever are vegan-friendly. In 2011, it’s not hard to live up to veganism’s one simple ideal: trying to do the least harm possible.

3. Veganism is emasculating — real men eat meat.

In 1990, I wrote a book called “The Sexual Politics of Meat” to dissect the idea that eating animal flesh makes someone strong and virile. The myth gained steam in the 1960s when anthropologists Desmond Morris and Robert Ardrey attributed the advancement of civilization to “man the hunter.” Today, cultural messages — from Burger King’s “I am Man” ad campaign to a Hummer commercial implying that a guy who buys tofu must “restore the balance” by buying a huge car — reinforce this myth. Even Michael Pollan, who details a boar hunt in “The Omnivore’s Dilemma,” falls prey to the idea that men must fell prey: “Walking with a loaded rifle in an unfamiliar forest bristling with the signs of your prey is thrilling.” For vegans, this cartoonish hunter porn is ridiculous. What Pollan sees as a dilemma, we welcome as a decision.

But if real men once ate meat, it’s not so any longer. Olympic track legend (and New Jersey state Senate hopeful) Carl Lewis is a vegan. Former heavyweight boxing champ Mike Tyson is a vegan. Outkast’s Andre 3000 is a vegan. In Austin, a group of firefighters went vegan. But beyond the famous names who have embraced veganism for ethical or health reasons is the incontrovertible fact that eating meat doesn’t increase libido or fertility — and a vegan diet doesn’t diminish them.

4. Vegans care more about animals than humans.

Veganism is a social-justice movement that includes concern for animals but also many issues that affect humans. The food choices vegans make address the environmental costs of meat and dairy production, heart disease, public health crises tied to obesity, and, as Eric Schlosser pointed out in “Fast Food Nation,” poor conditions in slaughterhouses, where workers suffer more injuries than in any other industry. In fact, eating vegan one day a week lowers your carbon footprint more than eating local every day of the week.

The economic cost of systemic animal cruelty transcends shocking undercover footage taken at factory farms. Eating grain-fed cattle helps push corn prices up; high prices contributed to 2008’s food riots in Haiti, Bangladesh, Egypt and elsewhere around the world. Industrialized meat production allows infectious bacteria such as salmonella to sneak into our food supply. And treating a generation raised on cheap Big Macs will prove a fiscal challenge to Medicaid.

Caring about animals means caring about people, too.

5. It’s expensive and inconvenient to be a vegan.

Try veganism for a day and see what happens. Is it so difficult to substitute marinara sauce for meat sauce? To get a pizza loaded with veggies instead of cheese and meat? To fix a big salad and add garbanzo beans to it instead of turkey? To order a vegan dish at any of the ethnic restaurants rich with vegan foods — Ethiopian, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese and Italian?

One reason Patti Breitman and I wrote “How to Eat Like a Vegetarian Even if You Never Want to Be One” was to show people how easy it is to be a vegan. If you’re used to a steady diet of beef, chicken and pork, veganism can expand your options. You’ll start discovering the variety of ways to prepare tofu, seitan, tempeh and textured vegetable protein — along with more greens, grains and beans. In some parts of the country, some of these products might be harder to find than hamburger patties or sirloin steak, but they’re not necessarily more expensive. And if they are, they may save medical costs in the long run.

Non-vegans think change is hard. Not changing is even harder.

Carol J. Adams is the author of “The Sexual Politics of Meat” and “The Pornography of Meat.” She lives outside Dallas.

Read more from our “Five myths” archive.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sir's Interview on Agnihotra

Interview on Agnihotra the Sacred Fire

Agnihotra (Healing Fire)

The Ancient Science of Purification and Healing
By Mohan S Jadhav

We all want to be happy. We want to be happy now and always. This happiness could be expanding always. This statement could describe our everyday quest for all of us. This is a reasonable or realistic expectation or goal.

How could this happiness be attained? This search for happiness through the science of Agnihotra is the subject of our discussion today. The answer to the search for happiness lies in Ayurved in the science of Agnihotra. A very simple procedure of Agnihotra is the answer to almost all the present perils of mankind. When one starts to practice Agnihotra, the knowledge and experience will be unfolded from within. Agnihotra will help one to become a better member of the family or society. One becomes a more righteous Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Zoroastrian, Sikh, Jain etc. whatever may be ones faith. Because Agnihotra is a science, one should believe ones experience. This is the approach of the true scientist.

Agni or fire is an expression of universal power or energy on an understandable human level. Fire and its Shakti (power) are inseparable. Hence, this fire is the expression of the Almighty that any human being can relate to or understand. It is meant for all mankind. Any being that has the ability of speech can perform Agnihotra. Every human being has a birthright to seek salvation & Agnihotra is the first step.

Happiness is an activity or projection of each ones mind. Hence, this self- perception of happiness becomes ones own reality; however, The Truth may be far different. Thus, the perceived happiness is merely a play of the mind.

To understand the total well being of any person, the mind has to be addressed. The mind and prâna (breath) are inseparable just as two sides of a coin. Agnihotra impacts both mind and breath. Agnihotra gives the mind a sense of genuine contentment and ability to react with Love. Agnihotra helps replace self-serving love with love that is unconditional without judgment or qualifications. The first step of this journey towards Joy is Agnihotra.

Agnihotra is meant for all humanity regardless of religion, race, or language. Agnihotra is rooted in the Vedas, the most ancient science about the sciences of bio-energy, medicine, agriculture, and climate engineering. Agnihotra is a science of doing and experiencing immediately. Agnihotra helps us attain happiness, love, and total wellbeing.


Agnihotra is the process of purification of the atmosphere & the self. The fire prepared in a copper pyramid & the offerings made at sunrise/sunset tuned to the biorhythms of nature is the key. Phenomenal explosion of divine energies occur. This energy release happens because of the following combination:

1. Pyramid: The shape and makeup of the copper Agnihotra pot is scientific.
2. Rice: Whole grains of rice may be used for offering.
3. Ghee: (Also known as clarified butter); Made from unsalted cows butter.
4. Cow dung: Dried chunks or pieces of cow dung (available in USA); Cow dung is treated or used for medicinal values in all ancient cultures such as Native American Indians of North and South America, Scandinavians, East or West Europeans, Africans or Asians.
5. Mantra: Mantra is a very powerful voice/thought combination that is projected and interacts in the entire Agnihotra process. This explosion reverberates in the entire universe immediately.

By practice of Agnihotra one begins to experience peace and harmony within & around oneself.


The entire universe pulsates with a coordinated rhythm. This rhythm synchronizes the orbits of the moon, planets, earth and sun. The earth, nature and human body responds to this natural rhythm called the Circadian Rhythm. We human beings align and realign to this rhythm precisely at the sunset/sunrise transition point. This accord with the rhythm brings peace and wellbeing. A discord naturally produces stress, anxiety and an infinite cycle of strife & sufferings. Agnihotra is the only effective tool that we have, to produce this harmony between the mind, body, and the universe. Agnihotra is a material aid to a happy life.

An intense energy is projected from the Agnihotra pot. This energy envelops the solar system, the stratosphere and beyond.

Harmful radiation & pollutants are neutralized and transformed into nourishment on a subtle level

AGNIHOTRA Sunset and Sunrise

Smear few cow dung chips with ghee and arrange them in the Agnihotra pot. Mix about a teaspoon full of rice with a small amount of ghee and keep them aside.

Start the fire few minutes before sunrise/sunset time. (Precise sunset/sunrise sheets for your dwelling will be available free of cost.

Email: or call (832) 886-5877)

While chanting the mantra offer the rice smeared with ghee (just enough that one can hold in the tip of five fingers) at the utterance of Swaahaí in the fire. There are only two offerings at Sunset or Sunrise each in the Agnihotra fire.

At Sunset:

Chant 1st mantra:

Agnaye Swaaha - Agnaye Idam Na Mama

(Offer 1st offering when saying Swaaha)

Chant 2nd mantra:

Prajapataye Swaaha - Prajapataye Idam Na Mama

(Offer 2nd offering when saying Swaaha)

At Sunrise:

Chant 1st mantra:

Sooryaya Swaaha - Sooryaya Idam Na Mama

(Offer 1st offering when saying Swaaha)

Chant 2nd mantra:

Prajapataye Swaaha - Prajapataye Idam Na Mama

(Offer 2nd offering when saying Swaaha)

Now repeat this process daily morning with Sunrise Mantra and evening with
Sunset Mantra.


At Sunset:

Agnaye Swaaha - Agnaye Idam Na Mama
Prajapataye Swaaha - Prajapataye Idam Na Mama

At Sunrise:

Sooryaya Swaaha - Soory·ya Idam Na Mama
Prajapataye Swaaha - Praj·pataye Idam Na Mama


Agnihotra not only renews the brain cells, but purifies the whole psychosomatic man in a holistic way. Harmful radiations of all sorts are neutralized when one is in Agnihotra environment.

Agnihotra realigns the nature and all pulmonary and circulatory systems and has a nourishing effect on the nature along with the nervous system.

When plants are in Agnihotra environment extraordinary growth of the whole ecology along with flowers and fruits are of common happening.

It is by virtue of 1) the pyramid 2) cow dung 3) ghee (clarified butter) 4) the offering 5) the mantra (just two) done precisely at the sunrise/sunset is Agnihotra. So much more could be said, yet best when experienced first hand and believe your own experience.

Anyone can do Agnihotra, young and old irrespective of ones faith, only to further bolster ones faith. We all seek love, wellbeing and fulfillment in our life; Agnihotra is a great material aid. If you are a Christian, Hindu, Muslim etc., you could be a better Christian, Hindu, Muslim, hence a happier human being. Upon practice believe your experience.

Presentation of Agnihotra is planned at various locations, taught by Mohan S. Jadhav from New Jersey who says he is merely a bearer of good tidings for all mankind; at best a mail man to deliver His mail. He says The MESSAGE is far more important than the messenger.

For further info or for a presentation in your area please contact Email:, Ph # 832-886-5877.

For information about Agnihotra please check following web sites: or


Mantra Meaning

Evening Agnihotra mantra:

Agnaye swaáhá,
Agnaye idam na mama
Prajápataye swaáhá,
Prajápataye idam na mama

Unto the fire I am offering all. This offering is not mine it is Thine.

Agnaye … fire
swáhá … offering
Agnaye … fire
idam … this
na mama … not mine
prajá- … all the living
pataye … The Lord
swáhá … offering
prajá … all the living
pataye …The Lord
idam … this
na mama … not mine

Morning Agnihotra mantra:

Sooryáya swáahá,
Sooryáya idam na mama
Prajápataye swáahá,
Prajápataye idam na mama

Unto the sun I am offering this offering, This is not mine...This is Thine

Sooryáya … sun
swáhá … offering
Sooryáya … sun
idam … this
na mama … not mine
prajá … all the living
pataye … the lord
swaha, … offering
prajá … all the living
pataye … the lord
idam … this
na mama … not mine

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spirit of The Sea


Spirit of The Sea

Whale Medicine

Native Americans teach us that the Great Spirit speaks to us through our animal brethren. The whale is one animal that we can learn from. Whales have existed for over 50 million years and are considered to be record-keepers who possess knowledge of the past.

It is through the vibrations of their unique sound that they release this ancient wisdom to us. At the same time, their sound carries across such great distances that whales can enter the realm of the future where they can acquire knowledge of what is to come. Every whale sings a song, and they never repeat the same pattern when they sing their song. Since whales must be conscious at all times in order to breathe, they cannot afford to fall into an unconscious state for too long. Never completely asleep, their brain has constant access to the collective unconscious where all answers lie. Whales float peacefully, secure in the ocean environment that supports and sustains them.

You can learn from the wisdom of whales by remembering to express what's uniquely yours. Each of us has a unique "song" or gift to offer the world. Your song is meant to be sung by you, and heard by others. No one else can sing this song but you, and your song is medicine for the healing of the planet. Like whales, you can choose to access information about the future when you go into a meditative state. Whales teach us to look at where we came from and where we are headed. Knowing that our past helps shape our future, we can remember to make positive choices regarding our lives, the environment, and our world. Like whales, we can remember to stay awake and actively engaged in a universe that supports and sustains us. When we express ourselves and share our unique gifts, we add our wisdom and vibration to the planet.

Author Unknown


We Must Be Like A Whale

When we see a whale, or when a whale is thought of, that means that we are being offered Whale Medicine. We should see that as the blessing that it is, and use the Whale Medicine. A whale never repeats its song. In reference to the way we live our lives on a day-to-day basis, I interpret that meaning that we should live each day in its Divine Uniqueness, not trying to re-capture past joyful experiences, and simply allow the unique energy and joy of the current moment to fill our total being with Eternal Unconditional Love, Light, Peace, and Joy.

We must be whale like, and be ever conscious of everything that we think, say, and do. We must float peacefully and securely in our unique personal surrounding worlds. Without a shadow of any doubt, we must be our unique selves and not fall for the trick of trying to be like someone else, because we can only be ourselves, be who we are created to be. It is time to expand our understanding of who we truly are.

We have been told that we are created in the image and likeness of GOD. I firmly believe it was communicated to humanity in that way long ago, because humanity could not accept it said as it truly is, because the absolute truth was to much for our extremely limited mentality. We Are Created Out of The Pure Eternal Substance of GODDESS-GOD, Making Us One With GODDESS-GOD, More Importantly, Making Us A GODDESS and A GOD. Just as we are one with our biological parents, we are also our biological parents because we are physically made up from both of them. However, at the same time we are also our individual selves. Nevertheless, in a much Greater Divine Reality, we are One With GODDESS-GOD, and we are GODDESS-GOD. Yet at the same time we are seen as individual Spirits/beings while sojourning through this very dense physical realm in this very dense physical form, we temporarily need to possess.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day Sacred Women


Sacred Woman

(A Sacred Man's Perspective)

"Well-behaved Women Rarely Make History."

Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Even Though There May Only Be A Few Men and Women Who

Will Acknowledge It, A Well-behaved Strong Woman Creates

Her-Story and Creates It Well!

Create On My Beauty-Full and Power-Full Sis-Stars!


Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala

Copyright © 1999

Our Beloved women carry the Precious Seeds and the Sacred Hope for the future within them. I honor and bow down to all of the Beauty-Full Strong SACRED WOMEN of the Human Race. That means that I honor and bow down to every single woman of creation, past, present, and all those who are destined to enter into this physical realm in the future. There never has been and never will be a single woman that is not Sacred, Strong and Beauty-Full (full of the awe inspiring beauty and grace that no one but a Goddess of Love possesses). However, there are a few of my sisters who need to be reminded of this Divine Eternal Truth. In addition a multitude of men need to be reminded of this Divine Eternal Truth as well. Because understanding this Divine Eternal Truth plays a major role in reconciling the relationship between man and woman, also the conscious restoration of our collective reality of oneness. I am now standing up and speak out clearly and forcefully with Divine Authority and the Unshakable Support given to me by way of the SPIRIT of MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD that dwells within my Spirit. I am formally serving humanity notice here and now of this Divine Reality. Our most Precious and Beloved Women are Sacred in every sense of the word.

My Beloved Sisters, no matter what your status in life may be, no matter what race you are a part of, no matter what your sexual orientation, and no matter what beliefs you espouse, “You Are Sacred, Strong, Beauty-Full, Grace-Full, and Loving in every way. My Precious Sisters, that is just the tip of the iceberg, just the beginning of your Eternal Glory and Graceful Power. On top of all of that, the Sacred Energy you carry within your Spirit is Heavenly and so Delight-Full to the Whole of Creation. More important than all of that; I know that you are a Delight and a Joy to GREAT SPIRIT, our Eternal Spiritual Parent MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD. SACRED WOMAN, you are the Queen of your surrounding world and you are overflowing with the Sacred Majestic Feminine Glory that originates from deep within the very bosom of GODDESS-GOD. You are the Precious Life Giver and Nurturer of humanity. Because of that Divine reality, I humbly bow down to you and honor you fully from the very core of my being that makes up my Spirit, Soul, Heart, and Mind. You are truly a Goddess of Love.”

All of my Beauty-Full Sis-Stars of Creation, you are pure, dainty, and extremely strong within your Spirit, which is the place where your true identity originates and resides in it's full glory. What is a Sis-Star? A Sis-Star is a Beauty-Full Feminine Shining Star of Divinity and Unconditional Love full of the Light of SPIRIT in this man made dark and confused environment. All women are Sis-Stars. My Sis-Stars, you are the bearers of Light, also the bears of the Seeds of Life, which are the Precious Fruits of the future. My Lovely Sis-Stars, you have been chosen by our one and only Sacred and Most Divine Eternal Parent MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD, to carry the Hope of Creation within the Sacred Temple of your Love filled womb. Every single one of you must know and understand that you have been chosen to follow a Divine Sacred Path. You have been given one of the most precious, most important roles ever bestowed upon any human being. My Beloved Sis-Stars, you have been blessed with the greatest gift of all, being a SACRED MOTHER, the sustainer of life. You are the Divine-Bearer and Loving Nurturer of Life. Why have you been honored and blessed by SPIRIT with such great responsibility? You have been honored and blessed with such great responsibility because you were created Loving, strong, and sensitive in order that you would Love, heal, nurture, and teach every fruit/child that comes forth through you, and remains with you until the day destined for that fruit/child to stand on it’s own. You prepare your children for the day when they move out into the physical world to be strong, trustworthy, caring, nurturing, and Loving, as you taught them to be by the way you lived your life before them, as you sojourned through this sometimes troubled and confused physical realm that we temporarily call home.

SACRED WOMAN, Your Womb Is Heaven, and every human being must enter into this physical realm through the “Gates of Heaven”. Every SACRED WOMAN that has forgotten this Divine Reality is being shaken and awakened to it as we all enter into this Divinely appointed Age of Spiritual Awakening.

My Sacred Sis-Stars, never allow anyone to cause you to feel or believe in any way that you are weak and/or unable to stand toe-to-toe with anyone simply because your gender is that of a female. You must never allow yourself to be mistreated by any egotistical self-righteous man that is grossly overflowing with all of his distasteful male chauvinistic pride and insecurities. False pride and insecurity are two major reasons why most men do what they can to put you and everyone else outside of themselves down. Remind whomever it may be, male or female, that is trying to limit and belittle you. It is Divinely ordained that all human life must pass forth into this physical realm through you, a SACRED WOMAN. Also, inform them that great honor has been bestowed upon you because you are a Divine Creation of Great Spiritual Character and Divine Spirit-Esteem, which go far beyond self-esteem. Then you must shower them with the Unconditional Love that is a part of your Eternal Sacred Make-up. Educate them further by pointing out the fact that Heaven is to be found within every SACRED WOMAN. GODDESS-GOD created every SACRED WOMAN to be the Heaven that all of humanity must pass through to enter into this dense physical realm of valuable lessons.

My beloved Sis-Stars, it is of the utmost importance that you re-educate whomever it may be that is mis-educated about your Sacredness, and the Sacredness of the Whole of Creation. Educating others is one of your many abilities and responsibilities as a SACRED WOMAN and a SACRED MOTHER. You can start educating them with the elementary lesson that even the word man comes forth from within the word wo-man. Also, educate them on the fact that the word male comes forth from within the word fe-male as well. Is that a coincidence? That is surely not a coincidence, because there is no such thing as coincidences. Divine Order and Divine Law dictates that human life will come forth through you, SACRED WOMAN. Why is it designed that way? It is designed that way because you are created to be the Goddess of Love to humanity and to the world. I open up completely to your Unconditional Love and your Spiritual Wisdom and Insight.

SACRED WOMB-MAN, your womb is our Heavenly Realm. Your womb is the place where human life is conceived, Loved and nurtured. Your womb is also the Divine place where our physical body takes on its form, and we begin the ongoing process of Total Spiritual Re-Call, our Spiritual Awakening. Within heaven, which is your womb, is also the Divine place were our temporary physical vessel is implanted with our true nature, our Eternal Spirit of Love.

Every SACRED WOMAN is due the utmost respect. Respect is what you must demand at all times from everyone. You cannot expect or accept anything less than total respect. Every SACRED WOMAN must also be the giver of respect. Beloved SACRED WOMAN, you have the right to demand R-E-S-P-E-C-T from every man, woman, girl and boy. Respect, honor and credit must be given to who respect, honor and credit is due, and that is you. GREAT SPIRIT respects you so much, that you have been given the ultimate honor of all, Life Bearer and Life Giver, which is the Divine Position that only you, a SACRED MOTHER can occupy. The oldest human remains found on Earth Mother were that of a SACRED WOMAN in Africa. My Beloved SACRED WOMAN, even if you do not choose to give birth to your own biological child, or for some reason you cannot give birth to your own child, you are still a SACRED MOTHER. Without a single doubt, you still hold the same position of honor and respect as those who give birth, and you must be recognized and honored for being the SACRED MOTHER and the Giver of Life that you are. How are you still a giver of life if you do not give birth to a child? You are still a giver of life because there is life in the seed of Unconditional Love you possess and give so freely. Also because there is life in the words you speak, and there is life in your precious embrace. SACRED WOMEN, no matter what your choices are in life, I bow down to you and I honor all of you equally with everything that is within me. Why do I do this? I do this because you deserve nothing less. Most importantly I do this to honor the perfection of GODDESS-GOD that dwells within you. In addition, I do this because in honoring you, I am honoring myself and all life that come forth through you.

Now the time has come to deal directly and forcefully with all men, me included. Yes, it is our turn my brothers. It is time that we wake up and smell the roses in our midst. We must realize how blessed we are to have SACRED WOMEN in our lives. We must stop allowing and living the horrendous lie that has been continually perpetuated for thousands of years. There is no need, and never has been a legitimate reason to fear and/or suppress our precious SACRED WOMEN as we have done, and continue to do to this very day. If we give Pure Unconditional Love and Respect to our SACRED WOMEN, we will receive Pure Unconditional Love and Respect from them in return, that is the Law of Reciprocity. Loving and respecting our SACRED WOMEN is the only way we can truly be happy and live a fruitful harmonious life together here on Earth Mother. We must get along with each other, that is the Divine way GREAT SPIRIT designed it to be. We need each other. Yes my brothers, I said that we need our SACRED WOMEN. We need them to help us be the men that we say and believe that we are. Being a man is more than just saying I am a man and walking around acting macho; there must be actions to back up and support our words of Love for our SACRED WOMAN.

I cannot speak for any other men however, as for myself, I must and do give Pure Unconditional Love and Unlimited Respect and Support to all of my Sis-Stars because of their Sacredness. I also give the same honor and respect to Earth Mother and the Whole of Creation. Why do I do that? I will tell you why I do that, because every SACRED WOMAN at the very least is due our Pure Unconditional Love, and our complete respect at all times. To be perfectly honest, I must tell you that I also do it because I want to be respected by SACRED WOMEN, and I know that I can only receive freely and unconditionally that which I give freely and unconditionally. Women are the Queens of their surrounding worlds (their surrounding world is their family and immediate surrounding environment), and every Queen demands the utmost respect from those around her. I do not know about you my brothers, but I most certainly want to be in the Divine place that is meant for me, and that Divine place is right beside my Queen, right beside my SACRED WOMAN as the King/SACRED MAN that I am. A King is not fully a King if he is without his Queen. A King is not a King if he does not fully respect his Queen.

My Beloved Brothers, do not even think about getting all carried away with, and big headed over that last statement concerning us being Kings and SACRED MEN. Don't get all puffed up over that, because a King/SACRED MAN stands no taller than the Queen/SACRED WOMAN who is standing by his side. Yes men are physically stronger than women are, however, our physical condition is a temporal condition, and that which is Spiritual is Eternal. We are talking about the Eternal Spiritual SACRED WOMAN. Like it or not, accept it or not, women and men are Spiritual Equals. (period) That is right my brother, I must repeat that so it is sure to sink in. Women and Men Are Spiritual Equals. Having a stronger and bigger physical body means very little, because our physical body is not who we truly are. Neither does the level of education coupled with the numbers of degrees that one has define who we are.

A true relationship between a man and a woman is not the way it is portrayed in most movies and books of the past or today. You know what I am talking about. The King being big, strong, forceful, and powerful and the Queen being petite, beautiful, silent, weak, meek and submissive at all times to her King. Both of them, the Queen/SACRED WOMAN and the King/SACRED MAN have equal Spiritual Stature, equal Spiritual Power, equal Spiritual Authority, and equal Spiritual Abilities. However, we do not get to see many examples of that reality in the world today. You see the major problem is this. Men have separated the Spiritual which is eternal, from everything else, and builds his faulty kingdom on the sinking foundation of this temporal physical realm, physical substance that is sure to rot and give way and collapse. I was told years ago, that at one time in Ancient Egypt they did not construct a statue of a Pharaoh/King without having a statue constructed of his Queen right by his side. I was also told that the statues were constructed in such a way that it was clearly visible for all to see that both the Queen/SACRED WOMAN and the King/SACRED MAN were equal in statue one to the other, side by side. That symbolized the Spiritual Equality between womb-man and man.

Over the years most of the statues in Egypt were either physically separated, or the statue of the SACRED WOMAN was destroyed. Foolish insecure men are the ones responsible for doing that. In addition, did you know that there were women Pharaohs in Egypt? Some men in their illusionary superiority try to keep all-important facts about women hidden from the masses for selfish controlling reasons. One of many ways to steal power from our SACRED WOMEN and all of humanity is to destroy and completely distort the true history of all of our SACRED WOMEN. Men also vilified women by creating the story of Eve, which tells us that woman is the originator of sin, that she is the first to rebel against GOD, making her responsible for the condition of the world today. It is time that we stop telling his-story with all of the untruths, inconsistencies, and deception, and start telling her-story truthfully. Is it realistic to believe that her-story will be accurately told by men? In the past man's interpretation of our SACRED WOMEN'S story was full of intentional mistakes, deception, and manufactured distortions created solely by men to discredit our Beloved SACRED WOMEN. It is way over due for the SACRED WOMAN’S story to be told honestly, completely and accurately. Then all men and women will be seen through the Sacred Light of Absolute Truth, Unconditional Love and Unwavering Compassion. Then, competition between men and women will cease. My brothers, we have been called out to right that which has wrongfully been done to our SACRED WOMEN by us, and also done by a few mis-educated and deceived women. Are we going to answer that call and help right all of our wrongs?

I must make quick mention of a guilty group of people that totally disrespect and dishonor our Beloved SACRED WOMEN, and that is most of the religions of the world. Yes, you heard me right; religion has played a major role in disrespecting and dis-empowering all of our SACRED WOMEN. The Christian religion speaks a lot of repentance. Well they need to repent and turn away form their wicked ways, and stop their attack on all SACRED WOMEN. How can they see women as being so low when a woman was worthy to give birth to their Jesus, the most honored and respected teacher of their religion? They were so caught up in their religious selfishness, ego, and error of grandeur that they could not accept the teachings of Jesus that showed them that men and women are Spiritual equals, and should be honored as such. As you know, this deception has just about completely permeated every facet of human life. One day the truth about religion is going to be completely revealed to the world and a multitude of people are going to be more than shocked over the revelation.

My Beloved Sis-Stars and Brothers, let us all stand up and take our rightful place beside each other. Those of us, who are starting to wake from our long sleep of ignorance of our oneness must now stand tall and start to guide the rest of humanity back to its original state of Spiritual awareness and existence. I am speaking of our Original Sacred State of Being. The only place that we can dwell in such an awakened state is in Paradise, and Paradise is manifested in and through the Divine Energy of Unconditional Love that we can and must hold and live by. The Divine Energy of Unconditional Love originates within GREAT SPIRIT, and GREAT SPIRIT dwells within each of us, in our Spirit. When Unconditional Love is shared freely woman to man, man to woman, and then shared with the Whole of Creation, our eyes are opened wide to the Spiritual realm and we can once again see and enter into our Paradise of Oneness. Within the Divine Energy of Unconditional Love, which is the Essence of Paradise, every need is exposed as the illusion that it is. Divine reality shows us that we are already the eternal possessors of everything that we think we need. All we have to do is respect each other (do unto others as we would have them do unto us) and be still and quite long enough to hear the call that is beckoning us to come. Then consciously we will enter into the Sacred Place where our Spirit and the SPIRIT of our Beloved Parent MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD dwells in Oneness. At that moment, we will see and know the Divine Truth that we all have been in search of our entire lives. We must honor and fully respect each other as the Perfect Spiritual Beings that we are, and have always been. We are not the imperfect human beings that we have been told we are. We are Perfect Eternal Spiritual Beings that are traveling through this earthly plane in a physical vehicle that has been labeled male or female. However, our true selves, who is Spirit has no gender, and no physical form. We all must start the very important process of re-education and see ourselves as we truly are.

Each One Reach One!

Each One Teach One !

Each One Love One !

If we do that, we will bring respect and truth back into our every day lives, we will also bring respect back into our divinely ordained Love relationships. That also means that we will bring respect back into the world, and that respect will eventually change the world and everything on it. It does not matter if it is a sister and brother relationships, a husband and wife relationship, Soul Mates, or any other kind of relationship between two people. It is time that we bring equality and respect back to everyone, and back to the world. We must and will do away with all of the male chauvinistic attitudes that men have been functioning through for thousands of years. We only put down and belittle each other because of our own personal low self-esteem issues, which is the outward manifestation of the fear of personal inferiority.

Because I am a man, some may misinterpret my motivation behind this offering of words constructed to honor all SACRED WOMEN, and that is okay. Because the bottom line is this: I Love and honor all SACRED WOMEN, because like everyone else, I entered into this physical world through Heaven, and Heaven can only be found within a SACRED WOMAN. "I Love You Mom! Thank you for giving birth to me, allowing me to pass through your gates of Heaven. Moreover, for nurturing me, teaching me, and loving me as you did so well. I bow down to you Mom, because you are my mother and because you are a SACRED WOMAN."

Along with my mother, there are other SACRED WOMEN in my life now. I have a daughter who I Love dearly, and she has blessed me with two grand daughters who I also Love dearly. I grew up in a household of four SACRED WOMEN (mother and three step-sisters). My mother and all three of my sisters taught me a lot about SACRED WOMEN. I have learned to respect, Love, and protect my mother and sisters, not because they could not, and do not protect and take care of themselves, because they most certainly can and do very well. I have learned that they can take care of themselves very well when men are working together with them, and likewise when they have to work on things and hold things together all by themselves. I have grown to understand that I cannot receive all of the blessings from this experience we call life without working towards being in perfect harmony with all Beloved SACRED WOMEN. Yes my brothers, we need SACRED WOMEN because we are one with them through MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD. We need SACRED WOMEN because we are created to be together with them, and dance to the Sacred Rhythms of Life together with them. We are all whole within ourselves; we were created that way by GREAT SPIRIT. Our Beloved MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD created us to Unconditionally Love, Respect, and Serve each other in harmony and balance at all times. I refuse to settle for anything less.

I must share one last thing with you before bringing this to a close. My dear and precious brothers, never forget this Divine Reality. Every man has a certain amount of feminine energy within him. That feminine energy stands right along side of all of that male testosterone, you know, that energy that is sometimes misguided and turns into that masculine macho energy that we focus so much attention and energy on. The feminine energy that I am speaking of that is within us should not be something that causes us to be overly concerned. It is okay my brother; GREAT SPIRIT created us with both masculine and feminine energies for a Divine Purpose. We need booth the feminine energy as well as the masculine energy to consistently be the balanced creation that we are. The equality between the feminine and masculine is already present within our Spirits however; we must consciously recognize that balance within us before we can reap all of the beneficial fruits from that Sacred Tree of Oneness.

Know It, Enjoy It, and Be Free Within It!

Don't Worry, Be Happy!

Always Remember This My Beloved Brothers.

Honor, Respect, and Care For All Women, Because They Are Truly Sacred. On Some Level, That Precious Woman Standing Right Next To You May Hold The Key To Your Spiritual Awakening and Deliverance As She Teaches You How To Fully Open Up To The Divine Unconditional Love of MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD That Resides Within Your Very Spirit.

Love Is The Spirit Within You That Gives Eternal Life and Everlasting Joy.

This is dedicated to:

All of the Sacred Women of the World, Especially My Mother, Daughter, and Granddaughters!


"A Well-behaved Strong Sacred Woman Creates Her-Story and Creates It Extremely Well!"




I Love You!

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © 1999
Revised 03.09.2010