Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Heart Meditation


Personal Heart Meditation

I like to do what I have entitled, Heart Meditation. What is my Heart Meditation? My Heart Meditation is when I meditate on each beat of my heart, consciously blocking out that which is physical and going on outside of me, and focusing exclusively on that which is Spiritual.

Here is how I practice Heart Meditation. I pick a place that is as quiet as possible and sit in a comfortable position; for me that position is sitting with my legs crossed and my back straight in what is called the Lotus Position. However, you can sit or even lay in whatever position that is comfortable to you. Some say that you should not lie down when meditating because you might go to sleep. Nevertheless, I feel that lying down is okay, even if you go to sleep, because if you have entered into the state of inward spiritual meditation it does not matter if you are conscious or unconscious, you will still reap the same benefits. However, when doing the Heart Meditation and you are lying down, you must be able to stay awake long enough to sense your physical heart beat for a minute at the least.

To consciously feel and hear the heartbeat is to be conscious of one of the most grand and most amazing blessings and gifts we receive directly from SPIRIT while we are in physical form. I say that because I see each heartbeat as a personal blessing given to me by SPIRIT, the Creator of all things, and the Divine Giver of life. Also, to me each heartbeat is SPIRIT saying directly to me; I Love You! There is nothing more Wonder-Full than SPIRIT personally telling me, I Love You!

I invite you to try Heart Meditation, and see what it does for you. When you try it, know that you can and should do it in whatever way best works for you. Just as there are many ways to reach a physical destination, there are many ways to meditate, and reach that Spiritual place of enlightenment and awakening. Early morning meditation prepares us the day at hand.


Monday, November 28, 2011

Vibration of Water


29 November 2011


My Water Energy for December


~ Love is the vibration that gives us life.

~ Love is the energy within, around, and behind the whole of creation.

~ Love is the Divine life-giving force.

~ Love is an intense feeling of deep affection within us.

The Vibration of Water

Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward them. He found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts, forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors. The implications of this research create a new awareness of how we can positively impact the earth and our personal health.

"Half of the earth is water; our body is three-quarters water. Water represents the interface between the 4th dimension in which we live and the 5th dimensional sphere of our soul. Many studies have shown subtle effects of healers upon hydrogen bonding and infrared absorption of water. None of these scientific studies can compare with the beauty and clear messages shown by Dr. Emoto's elegant work.

Because of how energy changes the molecular structure of water, I know that if I focus on energetically charging the water I consume, use, and the water within my physical body, I will cause positive change to take place in the water as well as everything it comes in contact with, and everything it is in and that includes myself. I want to consciously absorb and take full advantage of all of the positive energies that have been made available to me by GREAT SPIRIT. This is not something that I feel we all must do; it is simply something that I choose to do for myself at this point in time. That is the reason why I have started for myself what I call the Water Energy of the Month.

Do you have a personal Water Energy for the month?

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Power of the Infinite Within


Power of the Infinite Within

Regardless of what is happening in the world today all around me, I do not have to accept it as a part of my reality. I can do all things, because I know that I possess the Awesome Power of the Infinite; the awesome power that created the heavens and the earth in the palm of my hands; the Awesome Power of the Infinite resides deep within my Spirit. That alone opens up to me the infinite ability to create whatever it is I need, want, and desire. The Infinite, also blesses me with the ability to only desire and create that which is best for the Whole of Creation, as well as myself. That is the continual safeguard that keeps me within the Sacred Realm of Divine Will, and within the flow of Divine Oneness. All I have to do is create an image of that which I desire within my mind, and hold it as my reality, then I draw that Wonder-Full creation to me in its full physical manifestation in the here and now, and give thanks to The DIVINE for the blessing.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


Copyright © Nov. 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Inner and Outer Reality


The Reality In Which I Stand

Wherever I am reality is within my hands.

Because I now understand:

I get all that I can

because I can

where I can

when I can

how I can

yes I can

Simply because it is a part of the Divine Plan.

“Yes I Can, Because My Life Is Always In My Hands.”

All of This Is A Part of The Divine Plan!

So Can You.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


Copyright © Nov. 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011




My outlook on what spirituality is has evolved over the years. When I first became aware of spirituality I was a young boy, at that time I saw spirituality being exclusively connected to, and only a part of the christian church. I was guided to such a conclusion by the christian churches extensive brainwashing indoctrination that the christian way is the only way, because I was taught that the christian teaching is based on the inerrant word of God; the actual guiding light and true perfect words of God. I believe that religious indoctrination and manipulation is the first form of deception perpetrated on the human race; and christianity is the leading culprit of that deception. The way to do that and limit the resistance of the people is to say; it is the divine will and direction of God. What a masterful way of controlling the masses. However, there was a more masterful way of controlling and keeping the masses in check without having to explain everything, in a logical consistent way; they introduced the principle of faith into the equation. If one did not understand or believe what was being taught to them, and they refused to do what they were being told to do, they were then told that even if you do not understand or believe what you are being told, you must have faith, and that faith only has to be the size of a mustard seed. Then that was capped off with the principle that God’s ways are far above our ways; meaning that that we will not always understand and fully comprehend what God is asking us to do. Because of that, we are given those who are supposed to be chosen by God to commune directly with God as Moses was supposed to have done, and those so-called chosen ones would transmit God’s direction to us in such a way that we could understand exactly what God is directing us to do. Does that make any sense whatsoever to you? Would you not communicate directly with your child because it was young? The answer is a loud resounding “No” to both of those questions. Being a parent we find ways to communicate with our children so that they understand, and those ways are filled with our Love and overwhelming tolerance, because we understand that they do not understand things as we do. However, the state of being a child has its advantages; that is why even in the christian teaching we are taught that we must be child like. Children take everything they are told at face value; they believe what they are told because they are Pure Honest Spirits. However, after children are dealt all of the manipulation, deception, and all of the lies of those older than they are, that pureness is corrupted. If we were allowed to remain childlike, deception and lies would not be an issue today.

Religious and governmental organizations are simply apposing likeminded groups of greedy self-centered people, which seek to manipulate and control the masses by means of deception and the outright telling of lies. Spirituality was isolated from all of our other activities of life because that would create a state of division within each individual. We were manipulated by way of the old scheme of divide and conquer. Because of that manipulation, we stopped seeing the reality that everything we do is a part of our Spiritual Nature, because we are Spiritual Beings who just happen to be going through a temporal physical experience. Being the Spiritual Beings that we are we can only do that which is Spiritual, everything else we do is simply a part of the illusion of this temporal physical realm. Because we are Spiritual Beings, we create our reality here on this physical plane. Yes; even those of us who are unconscious to this Divine Reality create their very own surrounding world. I must explain what I mean when I say surrounding world. I call the place where we live, the things that we say we possess, the things that we believe, the things that we do, the work that we do, and our physical existence and everything that is a part of our physical body is the surrounding world of our Spirit, which is our true self. We create everything through our beliefs, thoughts, spoken words, and our actions; and that becomes the reality of our surrounding world. Then what happens is this; the surrounding world that we created starts to overlap with the surrounding worlds of others and those connections start to create what we then see as the world all around us. After all of the overlapping of the individual surrounding worlds we reach the place of forgetting that we have control over our individual surrounding world, and if things are not going as they should, all we have to do is change our thinking, beliefs, the way we comprehend things, and actions to bring things back into proper alignment. Since this has unchecked since almost the beginning of time, as we consciously know it, most do not even have a clue that we have the power to change anything. Even though I am aware of this, because of the intense programming and how deep the roots have embedded themselves within my total consciousness, I even find it hard to break away from the deception myself. They say; old habits are hard to break. It is true that old habits are hard to break, but that is only because we do not live our lives in a conscious state all of the time. In fact, the average person seldom lives his or her life in a conscious way. That is due to the fact that we have been herded into lifestyles that are so busy and demanding that the only way we can live and keep up, is to operate on automatic pilot most of the time, and not give much if any thought to what we are and have been doing. Busyness is a major tactic of control used by religions and governments alike.

Do you think that the way that we live our lives is the way that we should be living our lives? Do we have enough time in the day to actually do the things we need to do, things we should do, like have quality time for our families, mate, children, friends, and also ourselves; and the most important thing of all, quality time to devote to our Spirituality. No, we do not have enough quality time to do any of those things in the proper way that they should be done. If we did, and we took the time to do what we should be doing, we would not be living life as we are living it today. We are on the verge of becoming totally Spiritually Bankrupt. Everything that we do is a part of our Spirituality. Nevertheless we are not getting it as we should, because all of the religions and governments of this world have hijacked our consciousness. The reality of this situation is this; all of the religions and all of the governments are of this world, yet we are not of this world. We cannot continue on our sojourn through this physical plane in the way that we have been doing. That is why you see so many people standing up for all manner of things. Most do not understand it, however people are rising up because the Spirit within them that is there true self, their Higher Spiritual Self, is motivating them to wake up and rise up. We must start to see everything that we do, as it truly is, Spiritual in nature. When we do that, the water will stop seeping into our sinking boats of life and we will once again start sailing on course and begin to live life as it was designed and intended for us to live.

If our living, work, and everything else that we do was seen and honored as being Spiritual as it truly is, we would create an altogether different surrounding world, which in turn would create an altogether different world at-large. Yesterday as I was searching for a movie or something good to watch on Netflix (online streaming video source) since I stopped watching television (tell a vision), it was once again brought to my attention how perverted what we call entertainment is. I could not find a movie that I had not seen that did not have murder, sexual abuse, or some other form of mistreatment in it. That is one result of failing to see every aspect of life as it truly is, and that is Spiritual in nature. I must repeat something that I say often, however I have yet to mention in these scripted words today. Spirituality has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with religion. True Spirituality is connected to the Awesome Pristine Manifestation and Reality of The DIVINE, which is laid out for us as a tangible present moment manifestation available to everyone. Religion is man’s feeble interpretation of Spirituality. Religion was designed in such a way to disempower the majority of human beings. Religion is the ultimate man made tool of control. The christian control that we are experiencing today was established in 325 A.D. at the First Council of Nicea, by the Roman Emperor Constantine. At that gathering, Constantine deified Jesus as the Son of God, and decided what books of the bible the public would be allowed to read from that point on. That was a very deceptive attempt to separate humanity from its Spiritual Power. The Spiritual Power I am speaking of is the Eternal Gift that allows us to create our surrounding world. That Spiritual Power can never be taken from us by anything or anyone. We can elect not to use it for whatever reason, yet that Awesome Power remains within our Spirit waiting for us to awaken and once again use it to the advantage of the Whole of Creation.

No man or woman stands above other men and women, we are all equal. I remember the pastor of a church I attended years ago, telling me that I was not to question what he told me because he was the voice of God to me. I told him the following; if God can speak to you, God can speak to me also. Because of that, I do not honor what you tell me, over what I believe I am being led to do by way of the inner direction I am receiving. That pastor is a human being just like all other human beings, and he is subject to error just like all of us are. The main reason why I started to questioned many of the things he was saying, was because I was fortunate to be able to observe him and the other pastors of that church in a personal setting, because I worked at the church, and I also did some work at their homes when needed. That allowed me to see the hypocrisy in their lives. The best way to describe it is this, do as I say, not as I do. I believe that we are supposed to have horizontal relationships with others, because that is the way that The DIVINE designed it. Man is the one who set up vertical relationships with others, with a man on top dictating what others are to do. Originally it was taught that it was God’s will that women were to be quite in the church. Women were to submit to men and do what men told them to do. Christian men treated women in a less respectful way than they treated their slaves. Now, on the issue of slaves, it is christian teaching that it is God’s will for men to enslave other men. It is also taught and backed up by the bibles christian teachings that God directs christian men to kill those who refuse to accept christianity as their way of life. Does any of this really sound like something that an omniscient and omnipotent God would say and sanction? On top of that, can you relate to an omniscient omnipotent God being jealous and vengeful? All of the above are inferior emotions and actions of a misguided human being, not The DIVINE an All Knowing Supreme Being. Just about everything that man does that is wrong and manipulative is blamed on God. It is taught that God said we are to pay taxes; “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's.” It is also said that God said, “Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh.” Again I must ask you, does any of this really sound like something that an omniscient and omnipotent God would say and sanction? It is time for us to remove the man-made veils from our eyes, and see things as they truly are.

We are supposed to have horizontal relationships with each other, and an inward relationship with The DIVINE The Most High MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD. The vertical relationships that mankind has created will never produce desirable results, because they do something that is more then unnatural, it places one human being above other human beings, when we all are equal and one. The religious structure that has been forced on us does not accept the Oneness between The Most High MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD and us. We are one with each other, as well as One with GODDESS/GOD. I said that the religious structure was forced on us; I know that there are many who will totally disagree with that; they will say that they are christians by way of choice and their free will. They sincerely believe that, and stand on that. Nevertheless, that is not how it is. Submitting to that falsehood has been implanted within our psyche many generations back, when those who did not believe in and would not follow christianity were killed for not doing so. Such actions were behind the Salem witch-hunts, trials, and murders. That was when many people were killed for not accepting christianity as their religion. Those who killed others for not following their religion believed that was what their God would have them to do.

All of this spells out clearly why the religious path is not the path that we should follow. In the future, things will happen, and many things will be uncovered that will prove that what I am saying today is true. Our only saving grace is to learn how to connect with and follow the Divine Direction that is coming forth from within our very own Spirit. We must not be afraid to do so simply because we think we will make a mistake. This journey that we are taking is similar to going to school. In school we are given tests, some of which we fail. Yet, we continue in school until we get it and pass the test that we fail. We are held responsible for our actions, so we had better do what we do because we believe we are following what we hear within our Spirit, not what someone else is saying we should do. No matter what position they say they hold; there is only enough time during our lifetime to learn what best suits us. We do not have enough time to learn all of the ends and outs of another’s life, so that we can give them accurate direction. This thing called life was not set up for us to follow other students in our class. We are supposed to follow the Master Teacher within our Spirit, and that teach is MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD. Within our Spirit is the dwelling place of MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


Copyright © Nov. 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sacred Union



The Uniting of the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine

There has to be a conscious deliberate re-union of the Sacred Feminine, and the Sacred Masculine, in order for humanity to experience the kind of lasting Spiritual Revolutionary Change that is needed in the world today. All of us must once again start the process of honoring both the GODDESS and GOD ENERGY that resides within each of our Spirits, in and through all of our actions and not just use our empty words and talk about what should and can be done. Through the Divine Balance of the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine within each of us, we will not only on an individual basis cause a complete change to take place within ourselves, we will collectively cause a complete change to start to manifest and take place throughout the entire world. For those of you who are Christians; I must point out that your bible teaches that we (all women and all men) are made in the image and likeness of GOD; actually it should have said; we are made in the image and likeness of GODDESS/GOD. That means that GODDESS/GOD’S energy can only be a combination/balance of both the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine Energies; both energies reside in an equally balanced measure within the Majestic All-Powerful Sacred Being of GODDESS/GOD, that is the true and total Essence of The DIVINE; or more appropriately stated the total Essence of MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD. That being the unmitigated truth, tells us that the balance of the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine in us is our total essence as well.

The Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine have been and eternally will be one; and we must reflect that oneness in all that we think, say, and do. There is no way around the Divine Reality of that Oneness, that is of course unless you seek to be weak, fragmented, and scattered in all that you think, say, and do; additionally unless you want the world to remain in the utter state of dismay and chaos that we find it in today or even worst. The only way we can accomplish this paramount task is to consciously work on this individually, and then come together and work on it collectively. The Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine Energies reside in equal measure within every female and every male; that translates into everyone being Sacred and Divine in Nature. It is time that all of us start to follow that Divine Eternal Spiritual Blueprint within our Spirit. Then and only then can we say that we are being true to ourselves as well as being true to the Whole of Creation.

I invite you to join in with me and find the way that works best for each of us, in personally accomplishing this awesome yet attainable essential goal of Sacred Oneness. We must find our own individualized way of accomplishing this task and bringing True Unconditional Love back into our lives, our relationships, and ultimately back into the reality of the world in its fullest capacity. I have absolutely no doubt that this can and will be accomplished. Then and only then, will the Unconditional Love of our Higher Selves, which is the Unconditional LOVE of GODDESS/GOD within us, rule supreme in us, and through us, and in everything that we think, say, and do, as it was originally designed to do by the combination of the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine Energies of MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD within our Spirit’s.

Peace, Light, and Unconditional Love!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala