Brother Eric hit the nail on the head when he said; "Don't let nobody drag your spirit down." That says it all.
One Love, Unconditional!
The Dance of Relationship
The dance of relationship can possibly be very difficult. However, I know that it does not have to be difficult. It can be and should be a very loving, easy, and a fulfilling dance if we enter into it and remain in it the way that we are intended to; and that is through the Sacred Energy of Unconditional Love; and truly treating our partner as we wish to be treated. That is the reason why inner self-love and self-work is so important. Many times we do not treat ourselves in the proper way that we should, because we do not know ourselves as well as we should. Most of us do not know ourselves as well as we should due to the fact that we have lived our entire lives, trying to be who others want us to be, and the way others see us. In addition to that, we do not Love others the way that we should because first of all we do not know how to Love ourselves. It is not possible to Love someone outside of ourselves, when we do not know how to Love the one that is closest to us; numero uno, us.
If you and I would examine how we treated ourselves over the years, we would understand immediately the agony another would experience being in relationship with us, if we neglected them the way that we have neglected ourselves. We would also understand that if another knew how we have neglected our needs, they would not enter into a relationship with us unless they had an extremely low self-esteem, and/or the individual was a glutton for punishment. The bottom line here is this, it all starts with us; we must learn to get our own house in order before we even think about starting a relationship with someone. I am only talking about the absolute basics here, Relationship 101. However, without doing our homework, no matter how much we want a relationship to work, and how much effort we put into building a relationship, it will quickly crumble to dust. It is like trying to build a house with no experience and think it will be livable. We get our experience in Love as we learn how to Love ourselves, not as we try to Love others. Trial and error alone in a relationship is a guaranteed recipe for failure. There will be some trial and error in relationships of every kind, but if trial and error is the only experience we have in our relationships, we are in for a long hard bumpy ride; that is if we make it at all in the relationship.
We receive great healing and unbelievable liberating revelations about all things, when we spend quality alone time with only SPIRIT and ourselves. Most of the time we leave out SPIRIT because we do not take the time to know SPIRIT, in the exact same way that we do not truly take the time to know ourselves. If we took time to know ourselves, we would eventually enter into Divine Understanding, then we would know that there is no one and no relationship that is greater than us, and no human being greater than us; and that revelation would come without any outside help. Actually, the only direction that we need comes from within, by way of SPIRIT. We cannot do a single thing without the assistance of SPIRIT. SPIRIT is right in the middle of absolutely everything that we do. However, the biggest question is this; are we paying any attention to the direction SPIRIT is giving us? It does not matter whether or not we are doing the worst thing a person could ever do in life, SPIRIT is with us all of the time.
I am about to say something that may be hard for some to fully digest; however it is the absolute truth. SPIRIT was with Hitler throughout his entire lifetime, and was available for him to turn from his wicked dark ways. Hitler was the way he was because he did not Love himself, and most importantly, because he did not have an Intimate Relationship with SPIRIT. I must be clear here; I am not talking about Hitler becoming a born again christian. I am talking about the original relationship, the ultimate relationship of all, and that has nothing to do with any man made religion. SPIRIT is all around us and in us; SPIRIT is in everything that we see. SPIRIT has an ongoing relationship with every form of life in this Universe, yet human beings the so-called intellectuals, are the only part of creation that is having difficulty with relationship with SPIRIT and each other. We better wake up while we still have time to do so. We cannot have any type of relationship without first having an Intimate Relationship with ourselves and SPIRIT. We Are Eternally One With SPIRIT, and until we recognize that and act accordingly, we will not reap the benefits of that Sacred Relationship.
Our Sacred Relationship with SPIRIT can be likened unto a Divine Romantic Dance; maybe something such as a sensual tango. We graciously lock ourselves in a Warm Heavenly Embrace with SPIRIT, as we gracefully glide on the Heavenly Wings of Rhythm, to the ever-changing Divine Melodies and Rhythmic Beats of Unconditional Love. The Dance of Relationship with SPIRIT is more romantic and gracious than anything we have ever seen, thought, or dreamt; it is Simply Divine. We are supposed to have that experience continually with SPIRIT as we sojourn through this life. Likewise we are supposed to have a similar experience in our Love relationships with each other. However, as you and I have relationships with each other, we must remember this very important fact; every dance does not last forever. Some of us will experience our dances being interrupted by one partner being called to make transition from this physical plane; other dances will be interrupted when the two partners are no longer growing in their dance of relationship. You see; the dance between two people is about many things, and one of the most important things is Continual Spiritual Growth. Many see a relationship coming to an end as being negative; a relationship coming to an end is not necessarily negative. Many times the season of a relationship does not span an entire lifetime. Maybe in some relationships the season is only long enough for certain lessons to be learned, then it is time for both parties to move on and share what they have learned with others. Think of this possibility as a reason for the season of the relationship to come to an end. The acceleration of Spiritual consciousness has caused a rapid change in humanity; so in order to help some stay up with the change they need assistance, and the best way to assist them is for SPIRIT to step in and switch up relationships. We must remember the Dance of Life is not just about individual relationships; it is about what is best for the whole of humanity, and the whole of creation as well.
Every Relationship Is Purely Divine In Nature!
One Love, Unconditional and Eternal!
Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
A New Day ~ A New Way
Originally written on January 1, 2011, revised on December 23, 2011.
I have reached a very serious conclusion that some may not understand at all. However, it is a conclusion that I must and will follow. As of this day, I will no longer celebrate birthdays; nor will I celebrate holidays as I have my entire lifetime. On this the first day of January 2011, I Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala have reached an important decision, based on a very strong inner conviction and knowing, that I will Embrace, Celebrate, and Honor Each Moment of my remaining lifetime with everything that is within me. The way I will embrace, celebrate, and honor each moment of my lifetime is through the Sacred Energy of Unconditional Love. I will hold every moment as the Holy Moment that it is designed to be. I will also celebrate and honor every moment as the only moment of my life, because that is Divine Reality. I can only occupy the moment of each day that is defined as the Now. So in this moment, which is the Now, I pledge to SPIRIT to welcome it for exactly what it is, a New Beginning, a Resurrection, the Glorious and Most Sacred Now. The Now is all there truly is. In addition, I want to make it absolutely clear to all, that in no way am I saying that others should not celebrate birthdays and holidays in the way that they see fit for themselves; everyone should and must follow the path that they feel is Sacred and right for them as the individual that they are. Without any hesitation, everyone must follow the inner direction that they believe and/or know SPIRIT is guiding them to follow. I completely honor and respect everyone’s individual choice; even those choices that are different from that which I believe and follow. Each and every day that I awake from my sleep of rest, renewal, and my ongoing transformation, I resurrect anew; I am born again. Each new moment of my physical existence, is a part of my Sacred Journey of Gratitude and Service to SPIRIT, and to the Whole of Creation, in which I am a part. It is also a daily resurrection from the ashes of my past. Just as the Phoenix rose from the ashes of death, I rise anew from the dark ashes of my past. That is my daily destiny, as long as I exist on Earth Mother in physical form.
My prayer for my sisters, brothers, and myself is as follows. ‘I pray that all of us will open up completely and yield wholeheartedly, to all of the blessings of life we are gifted with on a daily basis; even those blessings that seem to be hard unfair challenges. I pray that we will see and celebrate all of our experiences with vigor and gratitude as the awesome gifts of life that they truly are. In addition I pray that we will stop judging others and ourselves by the amount of material possessions we accumulate.’ That is when we start to see the true abundant wealth that is generated within our Spirits through the Magnificent Transformational Power of Unconditional Love, which resides within the very core of our being. There is no greater wealth to be found than the Sacred Eternal Energy of Unconditional Love that is within our Spirits. Unconditional Love is the Sacred Energy of SPIRIT, and it creates and sustains all things.
Some may say, so this is a new day and a new way for you. I believe to say that it is a new day and a new way for me is not exactly accurate. Because, I feel that this is the way it was originally. Nonetheless, that is what I believe, not what I am saying is absolute. However, to those of us who have not been practicing this reality it would most likely be called a new day and/or a new way. I believe that celebrating each day of our lives as a Holy Day in this way; is exactly the way life is designed to be, and the way life should be acknowledged. Life is designed in this way so that it would be lived to the fullest by every single human being on this planet. Every moment of every day is full of a multitude of blessings, of which are sustained and energized by Unconditional Love. That makes every moment we live worthy to be celebrated in a Sacred Holy way. I know that the Sacred Energy of Unconditional Love is the only thing that is holding this entire physical creation we know as the physical realm together; without the Sacred Energy of Unconditional Love, there would be no you or me, and likewise be no physical realm. Due to that fact alone, we should show daily gratitude for the blessing of Unconditional Love, as well as for our daily blessing of life each day. As for me, showing gratitude and celebrating something or someone are one in the same.
When I started writing this it was the 1st of January 2011, now it is January 9, 2011; I was born on January 9, 1954, however I prefer to call January 9, 1954 my Earthday instead of my birthday. My Earthday is the special day I physically was blessed to enter into this physical realm through the Sacred Gates of Heaven. Back in the year 1999, I scripted some words about heaven and the Glorious Heavenly Gates that we all are ordained to pass through to begin our physical sojourn through dense earthly plane. I entitled those scripted words, Sacred Woman – A Sacred Man’s Perspective.
SACRED WOMB-MAN, your womb is our Physical Heavenly Realm. Your womb is the place where human life is conceived, your womb is the first place where our physical being is Loved and nurtured. Your womb is also the Divine place where our physical body takes on its physical form, and where we begin the ongoing process of Total Spiritual Re-Call, which is the beginning of our Spiritual Awakening. Within heaven, which is your womb, is the Divine place were our temporary physical vessel is implanted with our true nature, our Eternal Spirit of Unconditional Love.
Excerpt from Sacred Woman
I have come to understand that heaven can actually be found right here on the physical plane, and it is a Sacred place that most do not even know is Sacred; it is our mother’s womb. Yes, I said that the Sacred Place called Heaven is the womb of ever woman. Our mother’s womb is the place where our physical development begins after SPIRIT anoints the union of the egg and sperm with life. Because of that Divine reality we should always respect and honor all of our Beloved Sacred Women. However, we are not to stop there; in addition, since we come from the Sacred Place created by SPIRIT, that makes us Sacred as well. That means that we should respect and honor all human life for exactly what it is, Pure, Sacred, and Spiritual, coming directly from Heaven, which was fashioned by SPIRIT. We should likewise honor every form of creation known to us, because everything comes directly from the ONE who created Heaven and Earth, SPIRIT.
We have been duped to believe that we are less then what we truly are, that we are unworthy imperfect beings in need of a savior, and everything good is found outside of ourselves. In addition, we are taught that sacred times and sacred things only exist during certain times of the year, which is not at all how it is. Every moment of our existence here on Earth Mother is Sacred and Divine in every way. Energy and conscious wise, everything that we do should be a conscious part of our Sacred State of Being. However, that is only possible if we are in the right state of mind. That is why the lies and deception about our disconnection and separation from SPIRIT; and that, which is Truly Spiritual, is so devastating to our existence, during our physical manifestation here in this physical realm. We must shake ourselves and wake ourselves from this deceptive deep sleep of separation, which rips us away from all of the benefits and our Joy and our True Oneness with SPIRIT, and the Whole of Creation. My Beloved Family, there is, never has been, and never will be such a separation. If it were possible for such a separation, we would cease to exist. It is absolutely impossible for anyone, or anything to exist outside of the Sacred Spiritual Realm of Divine Perfection. You and me, and every single thing that is a part of this physical realm are a part of SPIRIT. The icing on the cake is this and nothing else. If everything is a Sacred Part of SPIRIT, Everything Is Pure Perfection Personified.
We have been duped into limiting ourselves of just about everything that is beneficial to us, and everything that is designed to continually empower us on our sojourn through life. I also believe that is sometimes done by those who are actually placed here to teach us and test us. Remember, everything comes from and is a part of Sacred Perfection, a part of SPIRIT, so everything is a part of Divine Plan. Therefore, that means that everything is in Divine Order, even though things may sometime seem to be chaotic; everything is a part of our Sacred Oneness and the Sacred Orchestration and Divine Melody of SPIRIT. In perfect harmony with that Sacred Oneness, is our communion with SPIRIT, and our communion with SPIRIT must be continual, and not just a few fleeting moments each day, or one day out of the week. Do we, and can we limit the time that we are connected to our hearts which is our physical source and provider of life? No, of course we cannot limit our time connected to our hearts, because we would not be able to live if we were disconnected from our hearts. Likewise, there is no existence whatsoever outside of our Sacred Connection of Divine Oneness with SPIRIT. Since that is our only reality, we must live in and through that reality.
Religion is not what it is made out to be, just as a review of a book is not the book no matter how comprehensive that review may seem to be. What are religions? Religions are only limited personal interpretations and reviews of Spirituality; religions are extremely flawed human interpretations of what one or more people believe SPIRIT is. To be totally open and honest with you, religions are incomplete, and some are intentionally deceptive; and that which is incomplete and/or deceptive will never be able to teach us that which we must learn and remember, or guide us to our proper destination. Without ceasing, we must practice True Spirituality, and we can only learn how to do that by going within. Our foundation during our sojourn through this physical plane must be constructed totally of that which is Spiritual, and not through our human intellect. So a Holiday, Saturday, Sunday, or any other single day of the week or year is not adequate to acknowledge and honor SPIRIT. We must acknowledge and honor SPIRIT every second of every day each day of our lives, with more intensity then we shower on the all of the so-called holidays.
I remember once being told by someone I loved with all of my heart and soul, that I need to get real, all of the prayer and meditation that I do will not get me a job or pay the bills. That was said to me even though I was not only praying and meditating, I was also going out and searching for work. However, sometimes others say things because they feel guilty that they are not doing what they should be doing; and when they see someone else doing what they should be doing, they try to find fault in what the other person is doing. We cannot sit, pray, and meditate all day long and do nothing else, and expect our physical and other needs to be met. However, we cannot expect our physical needs to be met if we do not have perfect balance between that which is Spiritual and that which is physical. Our true self who is our Higher Self is Totally Spiritual. However, while we are in this temporal physical state of being, we must have balance between our higher nature, which is Spiritual, and our lower nature, which is physical/intellectual. If we negate or belittle either one, we will find ourselves steadily sinking in the sinking sands of life.
I have entitled these scripted words A New Day ~ A New Way. Actually, it is A New Day; however, it is not A New Way. The way we are called to live our lives here on this physical plane has never changed, and it will never change. It is the way we have chosen to live life here on this physical plane that must change. We have been living life out of balance, outside of the perfect Blue Print of Abundant Life that has been draw-up for us. However, there is nothing to worry about, personal resurrection and restoration are Spiritual Gifts we have been given for such a time as this. We must swallow our pride, bury our ego, refocus, and recommit ourselves to following and doing that which we are eternally called and equipped to do and follow. The beginning of this journey first starts with recognizing our Oneness with SPIRIT; then recognizing our Oneness with the Whole of Creation; it also calls for us recognizing the reality that we are Perfect Spiritual Beings that are going through a temporary physical experience called life.
Sometimes things may seem so difficult that we may entertain the question, what is the use? It is impossible to correct all of the wrongs in my life. That is not how it really is for any of us. Nothing is too difficult to deal with because we have the Ultimate Power of powers, a power that conquers all. You and I have the Conquering All Powerful Energy of Unconditional Love within our Spirits. It is said that Love conquers all, and I am here to tell you from experience, Love Does Conquer All. Many are personally coming to know this very important reality; however, they are still not using the Conquering Power of Love to its fullest degree. Many of us have yet to apply the Conquering Power of Love to our lives. Many of us have become proficient in limiting and forgetting about our needs. Sometimes that is due to the faulty program we have allowed to run in the background of our minds call unworthiness, which is linked to the lie of original sin; you know the story of us being created a sinner. We are taught that we where created by SPIRIT, PERFECTION ITSELF, yet at the same time we are taught that we are an imperfect creation that is full of imperfection, or in other words we are a creation that is full of sin. How can an Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnificent CREATOR create something that is imperfect? That is outrageously impossible. So, our first step is to reenter the Divine Reality of understanding that SPIRIT is our Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnificent CREATOR, and because of that Divine Reality, that makes us SPIRIT’S creation, meaning that we are a Perfect Creation indeed. Under such circumstances we can be nothing less.
So as for the whole of humanity, consciously and motivationally it is definitely A New Day.
Even though this is a revision of my original A New Day ~ A New Way, the only thing that was changed was spelling and the way I worded a few things; it still holds the original thoughts and energy. Hopefully this was not offensive to anyone. If it was offensive to you, I ask you to please forgive me because I do not mean to offend anyone; I am merely sharing with you that which is truth and reality to me.
I am not Scrooge or the Grinch who stole Christmas. I am simply one who has come to recognize that we should celebrate every single day of our lives as the Hoy Day that it is.
We Are The Reason To Celebrate The Holy-Day Season; and The Holy Day Season Is Every Day!
Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © 01.01.11
Revised 12.23.11
Sacred Woman
A Sacred Man's Perspective
(Revised 03.24.12)
"Well-behaved Women Rarely Make History."
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
Even Though There May Only Be A Few Men and Women Who
Will Acknowledge It, A Well-behaved Strong Woman Creates
Her-Story and Creates It Well!
Create On My Beauty-Full and Power-Full Sis-Stars!
Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala
Copyright © 1999
(Revised 03.24.12)
By way of Divine Design, an orchestration of Universal Intelligence, every woman of the human race is designed in such a way that they carry the Most Precious Energy (seed) of Life, and the Sacred Hope of the Future within their Spirit. In addition to such a bountiful blessing within the eternal make-up of the woman’s Spirit, they are showered with and completely saturated with the awesome gift of being the Nurturers of Eternal Love and Life. Such stands alone in and of itself as being Awesomely Sacred. On top of that, a multitude of our Eternal Beloved Sis-Stars are also called to physically possess and maintain within the Sacred Space of their Love Anointed Wombs, the actual physical Seeds of Life that we eventually come to know as our physical human family. I bow down in the spirit of Namaste’ and honor fully all of the Beauty-Full Strong Sacred Women of the Human Race, past, present and even those destined to enter into existence in the future. I speak of the future, which has yet to become a part of reality, because there is no time or space when it comes to our true existence, our Eternal Higher Spiritual Selves. I bow down and honor every single woman of creation, Namaste’ Sacred Woman. There never has been, and never will be a single woman that is not Sacred, Strong and Beauty-Full (full of the awe inspiring beauty and Divine Grace of the Divine that only a Goddess of Love possesses). However, there are a few of my Sacred Sis-Stars who need to be reminded of this Divine Eternal Truth. In addition to that, an overwhelming multitude of men need to be awakened to this reality and reminded of this Divine Eternal Truth as well. That is because understanding this Divine Eternal Truth plays a major role in reconciling the relationship between man and woman, and the conscious restoration of our collective reality of Sacred Oneness and Divine Equality. I am now standing up and speaking out clearly and forcefully with the Divine Authority and unshakable support given to me by way of Mother/Father Goddess/God the Sacred Life-Giving Force that dwells within my Spirit. I am now serving the Universe and the Whole of Creation formal notice of the Divine Reality that is a part of my Eternal Spirit. Hear me clearly; Our Most Precious and Beloved Women are Eternally Sacred and worthy to be praised; because they are created by and One with the One and Only Goddess of Love; which is none other than the Sacred Feminine Nature of the Most High Godhead, Mother Goddess. Do not be confused by this expression of the Divine, there is no separation between Mother/Father Goddess/God, they are eternally one; just like woman and man.
My Beloved Sis-Stars, no matter what your status in this experience called life may be, no matter what race you are classified as being a part of, no matter what your sexual orientation is, and no matter what beliefs you espouse, You Are Sacred, Strong, Beauty-Full, Grace-Full, and Loving in every way, because that is your Divine Eternal Nature. My Most Precious Sis-Stars, that is just the tip of the iceberg, just the beginning of your Eternal Glory, Graceful Power, and your Sacred Unconditional Love Vibration. On top of all of that, the Sacred Energy you carry within your Spirit is Divine and Heavenly, and oh so Delight-Full to the Whole of Creation. More important than all of that; I know that you are a Glorious Delight and a Radiant Joy to Great Spirit, our one and only Eternal Spiritual Parent, Mother/Father Goddess/God. Sacred Woman, you are the Queen of your surrounding world, and you are overflowing with the Sacred Majestic Feminine Glory that originates from deep within the very bosom of our Eternal Beloved Goddess/God. You are the Precious Life Giver and Nurturer of humanity. Because of that Divine reality, I humbly bow down to you, and honor you fully from the very core of my being which are my Spirit, Soul, Heart, and Mind. You are truly a Goddess of Love, Namaste’ Sacred Woman.
All of my Beauty-Full Sis-Stars of Creation, you are beauty-full, pure, dainty, and extremely strong within your Spirit, which is the place where your true identity originates and resides in it's full glory. What is a Sis-Star? A Sis-Star is a Beauty-Full Feminine Shining Star of Divinity, a Sacred part of creation that is full of the Radiant Unconditional Love and Transformative Light of Spirit, that continues to shine oh so brightly in man’s distorted, dark, and confused selfishly created world of illusion. Every single woman is a Sis-Star. My Sis-Stars, you are the bearers of Light, also the bears of the Seeds of Life, which are the Precious Fruits of the past, present, and future. My Beloved and Most Lovely Sis-Stars, you have been chosen by our Most Divine Eternal Spiritual Parent Mother/Father Goddess/God, to carry the Hope of Creation within the Sacred Temple of your Unconditional Love filled womb. Every single one of you must know and understand that you have been chosen to follow a Divine Sacred Path. You have been given one of the most precious, most important roles ever bestowed upon any human being. My Beloved Sis-Stars, you have been blessed with the greatest gift of all, being a Sacred Mother; that makes you the sustainer of life. You are the Divine-Bearer and Loving Nurturer of Life. Why have you been honored and blessed by Spirit with such great responsibility? You have been honored and blessed with such great responsibility because you were created Loving, Strong, Sensitive, and Highly Intuitive, in order that you would be able to fully and unconditionally Love, Heal, Nurture, and Teach every seed/fruit/child that comes forth through you, and remains with you until the day destined for that seed/fruit/child to stand on it’s own. You are gifted with such grace that you are able to prepare your children for the day when they will move out into the physical world to be strong, trustworthy, caring, nurturing, and loving, as you taught them to be; and by the way you have lived your life before them as they were matured into adulthood. You worked all of your wonders as you sojourned through this sometimes dark, troubled and very confused physical realm that we temporarily call our home.
The Womb of every Sacred Woman is Heaven, and every human being that enters into this physical existence, must enter into it through the Heavenly Gates of one of our Beloved Sacred Women. Every Sacred Woman that has forgotten this Divine Reality is being shaken and awakened to it in this divinely appointed Age of Spiritual Awakening, Divine Truth, and Sacred Revelation.
My Sacred Sis-Stars, never allow anyone to cause you to feel in any way, or come to believe for any reason, that you are weak and/or unable to stand toe-to-toe with anyone simply because of your gender. It is not our physical make-up that defines who we are; it is that which is within our Precious Spirit that gives us the ability to do that which we do, and create that which we create both male and female alike. You must never allow yourself to be mistreated by anyone; especially an egotistical self-righteous ignorant male that is grossly overflowing with self generated distasteful male chauvinistic pride and insecurity. False pride, insecurity, and fear of that which one does not understand, happens to be the major reasons why many men do what they can to put women and everyone else outside of themselves down. You must forcefully remind whomever it may be male and female alike that are trying to limit and belittle you, that you are Sacred in every way, and that Sacredness is the major reason why you carry and give birth to children. It is divinely ordained that all human life must pass forth into this physical realm through a Sacred Woman. Also, be sure to inform them that great honor has been bestowed upon you and every human being, because every single one of us are Divine Creations of Great Spiritual Character and Divine Spiritual-Esteem; which is far greater than any state of high self-esteem. Then you must shower them with the Unconditional Love that is a part of your Eternal Sacred Make-up. You must continue to educate them by pointing out the fact that Heaven is to be found within every Sacred Woman, and Goddess/God created every Sacred Woman to be the Heaven that all of humanity must pass through to enter into this dense physical realm, which is full of many valuable lessons of which learning to value each other equally is one of the major lessons.
My beloved Sis-Stars, it is of the utmost importance that you re-educate whomever it may be that is trying to deceive and mis-educate you, and anyone else concerning your Sacredness, and the Sacredness of Earth Mother who supports the Whole of Creation. Educating others is one of the many abilities and responsibilities bestowed upon you as a Sacred Woman, and a Sacred Mother. You can start educating others with the elementary lesson that even the word man comes forth from within the word wo-man. Also, educate them on the fact that the word male comes forth from within the word fe-male. Is that a coincidence? That is surely not a coincidence, because there is no such thing as coincidence; that is as it is by way of Divine Plan. Sacred Order and Sacred Law dictates that human life will come forth through you, my Beloved Sacred Woman. You must tap into your Sacred Wisdom my Beloved Sis-Stars, yet at the same time never allow your Sacred Reality to cause you to think that you are above and/or better then men; you must not fall for the same trick that we men have been falling for century after century. Why are you designed in such a way that all human life must pass through you? You are designed that way because Universal Intelligence in all of ITS wisdom ordained that you would be the Goddess of Love to humanity and to the Whole of Creation. If you do not consciously receive and maintain that as part of your Sacred Reality, we will all suffer. Most Beauty-Full Goddess of Love, with great humility, I open up to the Unconditional Love and Light of Mother/Father Goddess/God that is flowing in you and through you. Also, I open up to the Spiritual Wisdom and Sacred Insight that flows from within you in abundance.
Sacred Womb-Man, your womb is our Glorious Physical Heavenly Realm. Your womb is the place where human life is conceived; your womb is the first place where our physical being is Loved Unconditionally and also nurtured to life. In addition, your womb is the Sacred Place where our physical body miraculously takes on its physical form, and where the ongoing process of Total Spiritual Re-Call begins; which is the beginning of our full Spiritual Awakening, our Sacred Remembrance of our Divinity. Within heaven, which is your womb; is the Divine Place where our temporal physical vessel is implanted with our True Heavenly Nature and our Eternal Spirit of Unconditional Love.
Every Sacred Woman is due no less than our utmost respect; and respect is what you must demand at all times from every single human being. You cannot expect or accept anything less than total respect. Every Sacred Woman must likewise be the giver of total respect. Beloved Sacred Woman, you have the right to demand R-E-S-P-E-C-T from every man, woman, girl and boy. Respect, honor, and credit must be given to who respect, honor and credit is due, and that is surely you. Great Spirit respects you so much that you have been given the ultimate honor and position of all, that of Life Bearer and Life Giver; which is the Divine Position that only a Sacred Mother can occupy. The oldest human remains to date found on this planet, are the remains of a Sacred Woman found in Africa.
Most Beloved Sacred Woman; even if you do not choose to give birth to your own biological child, or for some reason it is not ordained for you to do so, you are still a Sacred Mother. Without a single doubt, I know that you still hold the same position of Honor and Respect as those Sacred Women that give birth. It is imperative that you are recognized and honored for being the Sacred Mother and the Giver of Life that you are by everyone, including yourself. How are you still a Sacred Mother and Giver of Life if you do not give birth to a child? You are still a Sacred Mother and Giver of Life because life resides in the seeds of Unconditional Love, which you possess and give so freely as you nurture and Love everyone and everything within your surrounding world of existence. Also, because there is life in the words you speak, and there is life in your precious warm Love filled embrace. Sacred Woman, no matter what your choices are in this lifetime, I bow down to you and I honor all of you equally with everything that is within me. Why do I do this? I do this because you deserve nothing less; most importantly I do this to Honor the Sacred Perfection of Mother Goddess that dwells within you in Sacred Fullness. In addition, I do this because in honoring you, I am honoring all life that has been blessed to come forth through a Sacred Woman.
Now the time has come for the second chapter of this story of reality. It is now time to deal directly and forcefully with all men, and that includes numero uno, yours truly. Yes, it is our turn my brothers. It is time that we wake up and smell the lovely roses in our midst. We must realize how blessed we are to have Sacred Women in our midst and in our lives. It truly takes a real man to acknowledge this reality, and to act accordingly to honor that reality. We must stop allowing, and living the horrendous lie that men have been continually perpetuating for thousands upon thousands of years. There is absolutely no need, and never has been a legitimate reason to fear and/or suppress our Beauty-Full Precious Sacred Women as we have been doing, and continue to do to this present moment. If we give Pure Unconditional Love and Total Respect to our Sacred Women, we will receive Pure Unconditional Love and Respect from them in return; that is the unshakable Sacred Universal Law of Reciprocity. Loving and respecting our Sacred Women is the only way that we can truly be happy and live a fruitful harmonious life together in oneness here on Earth Mother. We must get along with each other, that is the Divine way Great Spirit designed it to be. We need each other. Yes my brothers, I said that we need our Sacred Women; and they need us. We need them to help us be the men that we say and believe that we are. We need them so that we can be the men that we are created to be. Being a man is more than just saying I am a man, and walking around acting macho with our highly inflated ego. There must be actions to back up and support our words, and we must Love our Sacred Women at all times, in an unconditional way.
I cannot venture to speak for another man. So as for myself, I must give Unconditional Love, Unlimited Respect, and Divine Support to all of my Sis-Stars because of their Sacredness. I also must give the same honor and respect to Earth Mother as well as the Whole of Creation. Why must I do that? I must do that because every Sacred Woman at the very least is due my sincere Unconditional Love, and my complete respect at all times. Please answer me this question my brothers. Would you be here today if it were not for a Sacred Woman? Of course none of us would be here without our Beloved Sacred Women. To be perfectly honest, I must tell you that I also respect, honor, and Love Sacred Women because I want to be respected, honored, and loved by them. I know that I can only receive freely and unconditionally that which I likewise give freely and unconditionally. Sacred Women are the Queens of their surrounding worlds (their surrounding worlds are their families and their immediate surrounding environment, which includes everything in it). Every Queen demands the utmost respect from those in her Queendom. I do not know about you my brothers, but I most certainly want to be in the Divine place that is meant for me, and that Divine place is right beside my Queen-Sacred Woman as the King-Sacred Man that I am. A King is not fully a King if he is without his Queen. In addition to that, a King is not a King if he does not fully respect his Queen. You see, our relationships have been one-sided for so long, that when we see something like Queendom we think something like, now that is totally ridiculous.
About my scripted words many will ask, can he brown nose any more than he is doing here? My brothers, I am not brown nosing or sucking up to my Sis-Stars in any way. I am merely starting the process of re-establishing the natural balance between the Sacred Woman and the Sacred Man that was lost many years ago. Now I will share with you the sacred equation I have been working on, Queendom + Kingdom = Freedom, what I call the QKF Factor. Oh, that’s right, you never learned that in Basic Mathematics of Life, because you cut that class when it was being taught. Not to worry my brothers, what you are actually getting here in these scripted words is Basic Mathematics of Life the condensed make-up version. However, if you fail this course you are in for the worst heartache possible to be experienced in life.
My Beloved Brothers, all men are King-Sacred Men. However, do not even contemplate getting all carried away and big headed over that statement. Don't get all puffed up over that, because a King-Sacred Man stands no taller than the Queen-Sacred Woman who is standing by his side as his equal. So, if we are not allowing our Sacred Women to stand tall in their rightful place beside us, we cannot occupy our rightful place as Sacred Men beside them; it is just that plain and simple. It is known that men are physically stronger than most women; nonetheless, our physical conditioning is a temporary condition, and that which is Spiritual is eternal. What I am talking about here is the Eternal Spiritual Sacred Woman. Like it or not, accept it or not, women and men are Spiritual Equals. (period) Did you hear that my brother? I think I better repeat that so that it is sure to sink in. “Women and Men Are Spiritual Equals.” Having a stronger and bigger physical physique means very little, because our physical physique is not who we truly are, and it is only with us during this microsecond in eternity. Another thing that is brief, and can be likened unto the blink of an eye, is our level of education coupled with the number of degrees one has, which is believed to define who he or she is. Do not even think about waste your time placing any value whatsoever on that, compared to your eternal existence and Sacred Reality of Spiritual Oneness and Equality.
A true relationship between a man and a woman is not the way that it is portrayed in most movies and books of the past or present; you know exactly what I am talking about. The king being big, strong, forceful, and powerful and the queen being petite, beautiful, silent, weak, meek and submissive at all times, to her Great and Powerful King. Both of them, the Queen-Sacred Woman and the King-Sacred Man have equal Spiritual Stature, equal Spiritual Power, equal Spiritual Authority, and equal Spiritual Abilities. However, we do not get to see many examples of that reality in the world today. You see, the major problem is this; we men have separated the Spiritual which is the Eternal Sacred, from everything else, and we build our faulty kingdoms on the sinking foundation of the temporal physical realm and man made wealth; we built them on a physical substance that is sure to weaken, rot, give way, and collapse. I was taught years ago, that at one time in Ancient Egypt they rarely constructed a statue of a Pharaoh-King without having his Queen right by his side. I was also taught that the statues were constructed in such a way that it was clearly visible for all to see, that both the Queen-Sacred Woman and the King-Sacred Man were equal in statue one to the other, side by side. That symbolized the Spiritual Equality between Womb-man and Man.
Over the years, men had most of the statues in Egypt physically separated into two halves, or the part of the statue that was the Queen-Sacred Woman was totally destroyed. Foolish insecure men are the ones responsible for doing such horrendous things. In addition, did you know that there were Pharaohs in Egypt that were women? Some men in their illusionary superiority try to keep all of the important facts about women hidden from the masses for selfish controlling reasons. One of many ways to try and steal power from our Sacred Women, and all of humanity is to destroy and distort the true history of our Sacred Women. Men vilified women in a grandiose way by creating the story of Eve, which tells us that woman is the originator of sin; that woman is the first to rebel against God, making her responsible for the condition of the world today. I know that it is taught that the bible is the inerrant word of God. However, I must burst that bubble of deception. The bible was written by men in an effort to control the masses and keep a chosen few in control. Today that chosen few is called the 1 %.
It is time that we stop telling his-story with all of the untruths, inconsistencies, and deception, and start telling her-story combined only with honesty. Is it realistic to believe that her-story will be accurately told by men of old who saw women as property, second to their slaves? In the past man's interpretation of our Sacred Woman’s story was full of intentional mistakes, deception, and manufactured distortions, created solely by men to discredit and belittle our Beloved Sacred Women. It is way over due for our Sacred Women’s stories to be told honestly, completely, and accurately down to the stories ending words. Then all men and women will be seen through the Sacred Light of Absolute Truth, Unconditional Love, and Unwavering Honest Compassion. That is when competition between men and women will cease. My beloved brothers, we have been called to right that which has wrongfully been done to our Sacred Women for thousands of years, by a multitude of men, and also done by a few of our totally mis-educated and deceived Sis-Stars. Are we going to answer that call and help right all of our wrongs?
I must make quick mention of a few groups that totally disrespect and dishonor our Beloved Sacred Women; I am speaking of many of the religions of the world. Yes, you heard me right; religion has played a major role in disrespecting, dis-empowering, and outright abusing Sacred Women. The Christian religion speaks a lot of repentance. Well, they need to repent and turn from their wicked ways, and stop their attacks on all of the Sacred Woman of the world. How can they see women as being so low when a woman was worthy enough to give birth to their most worshiped son, Jesus; the most honored and respected teacher that their religion is founded on? They were so caught up in their religious self-righteousness, ego, and error of grandeur, that they could not accept the teachings of Jesus; the teaching that showed them that men and women are Spiritual Equals, and should be honored as such. The disciples of Jesus were rebuked numerous times for disrespecting Sacred Women; Mary Magdalene is one in particular. As you know, this deception has just about completely permeated every facet of human life. One day the truth about religion is going to be completely revealed to the world, and a multitude of people are going to be more than shocked, over the revelations that come forth.
My Beloved Sisters and Brothers, let us all stand up and take our rightful place beside each other. Those of us who are starting to wake from our long dreary sleep of absolute ignorance of our oneness, must now stand tall and start to guide the rest of humanity back to its original state of True Spiritual Awareness, Sacred Existence, and Sacred Oneness. I am speaking of our Original Sacred State of Being, here on Earth Mother. The only place that we can dwell in such an awakened state is in Paradise; and Paradise is manifested in and through the Divine Energy of Unconditional Love within our very own Spirits, we can and must return to, and hold on to Paradise. The Divine Energy of Unconditional Love originates within Great Spirit, and Great Spirit dwells within each of our Spirits. When Unconditional Love is shared freely between woman to man, and man to woman; then shared with the Whole of Creation our eyes are opened wide to the Spiritual Realm we are and have always been a part of. Because of that, we will once again consciously see and enter into our Paradise of Divine Oneness.
Within the Divine Energy of Unconditional Love, which is the Essence of Paradise, every need is exposed for the illusion that it truly is. Divine reality shows us that we are already the eternal possessors of everything that we think we need. All we have to do is respect each other (do unto others as we would have them do unto us) and be still and quite long enough to hear the call that is beckoning us to re-enter our True Spiritual State of Reality. Then we will consciously be able to enter into the Sacred Place where our Spirit and the Spirit of our Eternal Spiritual Parent Mother/Father Goddess/God dwells in Divine Oneness. At that moment, we will see and know the Divine Truth that we all have been in search of our entire lifetime. We must honor and fully respect each other as the Perfect Spiritual Beings that we are, and have always been. We are not the sinful unworthy imperfect human beings that we have been told we are. We are Perfect Eternal Spiritual Beings, which are traveling through this dense earthly plane in a physical vehicle that has been labeled male and female. However, our true self who is Spirit has no gender, and no physical form. We all must start the very important process of spiritual re-education and see ourselves as we truly are.
Each One Reach One
Each One Teach One
Each One Love One
Then We Become One!
If we start to see our selves as we truly are, we will bring respect and truth, back into our every day lives; we will also bring respect back into our Divinely Ordained Relationships, especially our Intimate Love Relationships; because they call for Unconditional Love, Equality, and Oneness. That also means that we will bring respect back into the world, and that respect will eventually transform the world and everything on and in it. It does not matter if it is a sister and brother relationship, a husband and wife relationship, Soul Mates, Twin Flames, or any other kind of relationship between two human beings. It is time that we bring equality and respect back to everyone, and back to the world. We must and will do away with all of the male chauvinistic attitudes that men have been functioning in and through for thousands of years. People only put down and belittle each other because of their own personal low self-esteem issues, which is the outward manifestation of the fear of personal inferiority. Fear is usually at the bottom of all conflicts.
Because I am a man, some may misinterpret my motivation behind my offering of these scripted words constructed to Honor All Sacred Women, and that is okay. The bottom line is this; I Love and Honor All Sacred Women, because like everyone else, I entered into this physical world through Heaven, and Heaven can only be found within a Sacred Woman. "I Love You Mom! Thank you for giving birth to me, I am extremely grateful for you allowing me to form in the Heaven of your womb, and allowing me to pass through your gates of Heaven. Moreover, thank you for nurturing me, teaching me, and loving me unconditionally as you did so well. I bow down to you Mom, because you are my mother, and foremost a precious Sacred Woman." I also Thank You and Love You Dad. You were a living example to me of how to Love and Honor a Sacred Woman, as well as others and myself. I am so fortunate and glad that you knew without a doubt who you were, and you were not afraid to show that to everyone you came in contact with. Because of that, you taught me how to Love unconditionally; and also how to become the man that I am today.
My mother made transition from this physical plane years ago, however there are other Sacred Women in my biological family that are still here. I have a Beauty-Full Precious Daughter who I Love dearly, and she has blessed me with two Beauty-Full Precious Granddaughters who I also Love dearly. I grew up in a household of four Sacred Women (my mother and three sisters). My mother and all three of my sisters taught me a lot about Sacred Women. I have learned to respect, Love, and protect my mother and sisters; not because they could not and do not protect and take care of themselves, because they most certainly can and do; and very well for that matter. I have learned that they can take care of themselves very well when men are working together with them, and likewise when they have to work on things and hold things together all by themselves. I have grown to understand that I cannot receive all of the blessings from this experience called life without working towards being in perfect harmony with all Beloved Sacred Women. Yes my brothers, we need Sacred Women because we are one with them in and through Goddess/God. We need Sacred Women because we are created to be together with them, and dance to the Sacred Rhythms of Life together with them as equal partners. All of us are whole within ourselves; we were created that way by Goddess/God. Our Beloved Mother/Father Goddess/God created us to Unconditionally Love, Respect, and Serve each other in harmony and balance at all times, and I refuse to settle for anything less.
My Beloved Brothers, I must share just a little more with you before I bring this to a close. Never forget this Divine Reality. Within every man you will always find feminine energy just like you will find masculine energy. The feminine energy stands right along side all of the male testosterone that tries to bubble over out of proportion, when not kept in balance and controlled, the masculine energy that is sometimes misguided, turns into the macho egotistic energy that we focus so much attention on as we flex our muscles to show each other and women how strong we believe we are. The feminine energy that I am speaking of, is not something that we should be overly concerned with, fearful of, and/or believe it will cause us to become feminine and gay. If you are worried about becoming gay, I need to tell you this. You need to drop your fear and fully understand that a persons true sexuality no matter what it is, is personal and fine no matter what it is; so you must stop worrying about it, and stop judging anyone for the way they live their lives; because you only have time to deal with the issues that are confronting you at this time in your life. What we do in life is all about sharing Unconditional Love and dropping all judgment. It is okay my brother; Great Spirit created us with both masculine and feminine energies for a Divine Purpose. Men and women need the feminine energy as well as the masculine energy to consistently be the complete and balanced creation that we are. Remember, Mother/Father Goddess/God is a combination of both the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, which makes both energies equally important and necessary. The equality and balance between the feminine and the masculine is already present within all of our Spirits. However, we must consciously recognize, honor, and respect that equality and balance within our psyche before we can reap all of the beneficial fruits from that Sacred Tree of Feminine and Masculine Oneness. Then at the time when we are ready to share our lives with someone of the opposite or same sex, it will be done perfectly and in Divine Order. It is not of the utmost importance who we choose to Love, it is of the utmost importance how we Love.
Since entering into the divine understanding that I have, I am continually learning how to maintain my balance, and also how to share Love Unconditionally with everyone I come in contact with. I am now able to release my search for a that Sacred Woman to share the rest of my life with, and know that I will connect with that Sacred Woman in an intimate relationship within the divinely appointed time; the Sacred Woman I will share my entire life with, in and through Divine Oneness, Unconditional Love, Sacred Harmony, Peace, Light, and Joy. You see; I had to wake-up and learn how to fully smell the roses in my midst just like most of you. I was sleep walking even though I had a Sacred Woman and a Sacred Man train me up in the way that I should go as I was growing up. In my confused macho state of mind, I unintentionally caused and invited all manner of confusion and pain into the intimate relationships I was involved in. Nevertheless, that is now my past; each day I find myself in a new moment of abundant life that is called the Now, and it is full of infinite possibilities that I am fully taking advantage of. So in the Glorious Now, I Am Creating My Very Own Sacred Paradise that is full of Divine Balance, and I have shared some of that with those who read this, and I will share that with My Beloved Queen and Sacred Woman at the divinely appointed time.
SACRED WOMEN and SACRED MEN Are One; We Are Divine Equals!
Know It, Enjoy It, and Be Free Within It!
Don't Worry, Be Happy!
Always remember the following my Beloved Brothers.
Honor, Respect, and Care For All Women, Because They Are Truly Sacred. In Some Way That Precious Woman Standing Right Next To You May Hold The Key To Your Spiritual Awakening and Deliverance; Because She May Be Able To Teach You How You Can Fully Open Up To The Divine Unconditional Love of Mother/Father Goddess/God That Resides Within Your Spirit.
Love Is The Spirit Within You That Gives Eternal Life and Everlasting Joy Abundantly.
This is dedicated to:
My Mother, and the Sacred Women of the World, especially, my Daughter, and Granddaughters!
"A Well-behaved Strong Sacred Woman Creates Her-Story and Creates It Extremely Well!"
Mother/Father Goddess/God
I Love You!
Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala
Copyright © 1999