Friday, November 16, 2012

Spiritual Authenticity


Spiritual Authenticity
The Light Is Shining Through The Fog of Life

Key Word: Authenticity
1. The genuineness or truth of something
2. The legal validity or correctness of a legal document
3. Of undisputed origin; genuine


We live in a world where there are so many who simulate this and that; and when it comes to that which is truly spiritual there are surely a lot of counterfeiters. However, in all honesty I must say that many of them did not start out as such; they fell into that role out of fear and ended up that way. They were fearful to admit that there were things that they did not know, so they simply regurgitated that which they heard others say, teach, and preach. They were very good at reading and retaining that which they read, and likewise good at taking that which they heard taught and preached, and made it their own experience and teaching; plain and simple they became spiritual plagiarizers. Because of that, they have no foundation of their own to stand on, so they deceive those who have little to no knowledge of the true way of the spiritual sojourner. Deception is running rampid throughout every religion found in the world today; such is also even used in customarily in politics. By any means necessary they will control the masses.
Authenticity, that which is of undisputed origin and genuine can be determined in many ways. However, the best way that I have found is to ask Spirit to show me the heart and intention of those I come in contact with, and every time I do that, it is revealed to me. Everyone can do this and get perfect results. The key is learning to listen to, and clearly hear that small still voice within. Sometimes it will come as a feeling, other times it will come as a thought, it may even come to you through those you know, and you may even hear words spoken within your mind. In whatever way the truth comes to you, there will be a knowing that is different than any other, that what has come is from on high and divine in nature. Then the only thing to do is to receive and follow the direction that comes. There have been times when I second-guessed that which came to me, and I paid the price for doing so. We always receive divine direction, even when we do not ask for it. That is why I tell people that we always know the right thing to do; the only question is this. Are we going to follow the direction that comes to us?
Every time I have ended up in trouble I was warned. Yes every single time I missed the mark, it was because I did not follow the direction that was given to me by way of Infinite Source. There has never been a time that we were not warned of pending danger if we did this or that. So, we can never honestly say the following, “I did not know”. We always know the right thing to do. Here are two of many reasons why we do not follow our divine direction. We want to do something even though we have been warned that it is not the best thing for us to do, or we are so busy that we do not take the time necessary to be still and clearly hear Infinite Source speaking words of wisdom and caution to us. Many times we are simply hard headed. Would a parent sit nonchalantly on the side and watch its child step in harms way? Of course a parent would not do such a thing. So what makes us think that our Spiritual Parent Mother-Father Goddess-God would do us that way? We cannot only expect to be able to clearly hear the direction we need, when it is saying what we want to hear. We must practice the silence so that we will come to know clearly when Spirit is speaking to us.
Each of us is called to be spiritually authentic, and let me assure you of this, that is not limited to only that which we classify as spiritual. You see, another major mis-take that humanity has made is to try to separate that which is spiritual from everything else; everything that we do is spiritual. How so? It is simple; we are spiritual beings so everything that we do has to be spiritual. For example, you cannot separate church and state; that is of course, if church is truly spiritual and not a manmade deceptive organization. Everything comes from and is created by Spirit, so that automatically makes everything spiritual. If that is not the case, please tell me when there was a separation of that which Spirit created, or when someone or something created that which we label as secular; with secular being defined as that which is not controlled by a religious body or concerned with religious or spiritual matters, and not spiritual in nature. Only a fool would say I have no time for all of that spiritual stuff, because that fool is made from pure spiritual stuff.
Humanity has created all of the problems we see in the world today out of pure laziness. Man’s laziness is the reason why we have men and women acting as if they have the answers to all of our problems and getting away with it, when all along they are the manifestation of the problem. They are afraid to say, I do not know, and they are guilty of not doing that which is necessary to receive and fully comprehend the truth. Nonetheless, those of us who follow their deception are just as guilty of doing wrong, because we follow them without going within to verify whether or not they are giving us authentic spiritual direction. We must study to show ourselves approved. We are responsible for every single thing that we do. Because no one can force us to do anything, everything that we do, and everything that is done to us can only be done by way of us allowing it to be done. So we are solely responsible for everything.
We must be authentic in our desires, meaning that we must truly want that which we desire for the right reasons, and we must be committed to doing the work that is necessary to get that which we desire. Spirit is not our Sugar Daddy or Sugar Mama, waiting to give us everything we want, without doing anything for it. This is not Wonderland and you and I are not Alice. We must be totally authentic in everything that we do, if we are not, we have a price to pay for everything that we do. There is no question of that; the only question is this, when will we pay the price and how much will it be. I know for sure that the price will be extremely higher than the price for that which we did. There are no short cuts when it comes to living an authentic spiritual life.
There is a lot of talk about December 21, 2012 and it being the beginning of a New Age. I can tell you this, we are in the process of entering into a new age, or we have already entered into the beginning stages of the new age of spiritual enlightenment. No matter which one it is, I can tell you this. We have never been able to get away with that which we thought we were getting away with. We are held accountable for everything we do as well as everything that we should do but do not do. The major difference now from the past is this; the time between our manifestations has and will continue to accelerate. There will be no such thing as even thinking you have gotten away with something wicked as in the past, our debt will be almost immediately apparent to us; and to those who have been pretending to be spiritual teachers, spiritually aware, and pretending to do that which is spiritual for financial gain and the boosting of their ego, they will be exposed by those they once deceived. All of that will happen by way of the wisdom received within from Infinite Source. That is part of the process of the New Age and its Spiritual Awakening Energy, which is being re-birthed within every single Spiritual Being on the face of Earth Mother. There will be no more mis-understanding and mis-identification about us being physical beings, having an occasional spiritual experience. Because of humans believing that the physical was their reality they have fallen to the okey-doke, the ultimate con.
We are Authentic Spiritual Beings, who possess the power to create our surrounding worlds in the spiritual state that they are indented to be by Spirit Itself. The power to create that Spirit used to create the heavens and the earth, resides within our spirit. Each of us are Eternal Spiritual beings, we were not created to live on this physical plane just to work, pay taxes, follow the direction of other humans, eat, sleep and eventually die; that existence is the creation of feeble human beings, it comes from the extremely limited temporal dense human mentality. We must once again learn how to tap into the mind of Goddess-God, and that is done by learning how to go within by way of our spiritual practice called meditation, stilling ourselves and coming to truly know Mother-Father Goddess-God. There is no short cut to divinity, and we most certainly are Divine Beings. Nevertheless, there is much work that we must do to resonate with and flow freely with our divinity. The first step in doing so is to stop looking outside of ourselves for true spiritual insight. Everything that we seek and need has always been within us. We created a major problem when we chose to look to another human being to direct us. Can an elementary student perform all of the duties of a college professor? Of course an elementary student cannot perform the duties of a college professor. So what in the world makes us believe that a man or a woman can perform the duties of Goddess-God? Those of you who are pretending to know the heart and mind of Goddess-God, and you are mis-leading people because of your ego, which ultimately means that you have edged Goddess-God out, have a great price to pay. It may not be to late to turn away from your wicked ways; so you better get busy and make the necessary changes in your life now, and stop being the deceiver.
Now on to those of us who are committed to living and authentic spiritual existence here on Earth Mother, we had better get our priorities straight. We have no choice but to stop looking to men and women for the direction and answers we seek and need. Things will sometimes come to us instantly when we seek them, nonetheless we cannot expect that which we need to come us immediately all of the time. Most of the time it will be a process that we must go through to get that which we seek, because there are so many components associated with that which we seek. Because of our oneness, what we seek affects others and calls for more movement then what we usually want to do. When we seek and are in need of something, we must understand that it does not just involve us; it involves the whole of creation to some degree. As much as we believe it, we are not solely individuals. We are a part of the Whole of Creation, and that consists of everything you see on and around Earth Mother. So from this point on, we must think in a much broader way, because our decisions affect more than us. We must start to think of the well-being of the whole of creation, and stop being so selfish as well as stop being so self-centered, thinking that everything revolves around us; just as we had to stop believing that the sun orbited the earth. We have a lot of misconceptions to correct. However, we have everything we need to turn all of that around.
Because of the Unconditional Love of Goddess-God we are able to make the transformation in ourselves that is needed, if we fully commit to doing all that we can do. This most certainly will not automatically happen to us, we must do a lot of inner spiritual work. In addition, we can no longer say; I do not know what to do, and simply leave it there as we wait for a savior. We have entered the new age of action and truth, we must stand up and do that which needs to be done for ourselves. We cannot follow the path of another to our promised land. Because what they need is on their path, not what we need. We can listen to what others have done for the inspiration; nonetheless, we must travel the path that has been designed specifically for us, in order to get that which we need from this experience called life. That is the only way we can manifest authentic spirituality in our lives. Sometimes it may seem like a lot and to difficult for us to do, but that is not the case at all; everything that we need has eternally been planted within our spirits, and a lot of it we knew in past lifetimes, laziness is what caused us to lose memory of it. Now it is time to do everything that is necessary to recover that very important information; because it is needed to transform us back into the Conscious Eternal Spiritual Beings that we are and always have been.
We are being shaken in every way possible, in order that we spiritually wake from our sleep of total ignorance of the power that resides within us. The only question that is at hand now is this. Will we wake from our sleep, or will we choose to continue to remain in the dark nightmare of spiritual ignorance? The light is shining through the fog of life.



I Am the Spiritual Manifestation in physical form of Infinite Source, and I yield totally to the Divine Direction that I receive continually within my very own spirit.

So It Eternally Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala