Friday, September 19, 2008


The Oneness of Spirit, mind, and body is our eternal reality, it is the

continuous journey we travel through this wonder filled physical plane.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


We do not have to change the world. We need only reclaim the fullness of our beings that is ever present and always seeking to awaken in us. In so doing, we become transmitters of a profound faith in life, and the world begins to change.

When we live with true intelligence, we build our worlds moment by moment from a sense of our own wholeness and thereby always invite wholeness. There is nothing more important, now or ever. Wholeness is where our hearts want to go and where our souls are leading us.

Richard Moss, MD

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Greetings My Precious Beloved Sisters and Brothers,

It is September 11th once again, a day that brings back a multitude of emotions. Let us send Peace, Light and Love out into the world in a more concentrated way on this day in honor of all of our sisters and brother who made transition on September 11, 2001. I sincerely believe that they are all at Peace now. So let us allow our thoughts to reflect the Peace they are now experiencing. Let us transform the experience that was originally meant to be full of pain and darkness, into a Glorious Experience of transition that is full of the Peace, Light and Love of GODDESS-GOD for all. It is sometimes hard to see and experience the Peace, Light and Love of GODDESS-GOD especially when we are in the midst of a storm, but that Peace, Light and Love is always there for us to experience and share with our surrounding world. It is now time for all us to create the reality that we desire and have been blessed with the ability to create, the reality that all of us are worthy of. However, we must first take back control of our lives. Then we must spread the Peace, Light and Love that fills our Spirit all over our surrounding world.

From Higher-Self to Higher-Self, Peace, Light and Love!
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the mind of GODDESS-GOD
Let light stream forth into human minds
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of GODDESS-GOD
Let love stream forth into human hearts
May Christ Consciousness (Unconditional Love) return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of GODDESS-GOD is known
Let purpose guide all little human wills
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the human race
Let the Plan of Peace, Light and Love work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Peace, Light, Love and Divine Power restore the Plan of GODDESS-GOD on Earth.

Author Unknown
Paraphrased by Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala



The Universe gives to us exactly what we give. It gives us what we ask for through a combination of our words and actions. I have come to realize that our actions supersede our words. There are some laws that cancel out other laws; a good example is how the law of aerodynamics cancels out the law of gravity. The law that governs our actions supersedes the law that governs our spoken words. Words cannot stand-alone; our words must always be supported by our actions. As the old saying points out so well, “Actions speak louder than words.”

I understand that actions carry more creative energy, more power than words. I see words as the building blocks used by our actions to create our surrounding world of reality. I also understand that one of my major lessons as I travel through this physical plane is to learn to bring harmony and balance between my thoughts, words, beliefs, and actions. I cannot afford to be a house divided within myself. There must be harmony and flow in order for me to have and experience True Oneness of Spirit and a life that follows suite. I must take that which I know and that which I believe to the next level, and then make that my continual expanding life.

Learning this lesson and then following it consistently in the beginning was a major challenge for me. However, I now know with my entire being that it will get easier the more I practice and hold that glorious balance between my words, thoughts, beliefs, and actions. What I learned in Elementary School seemed extremely difficult and challenging at that time in space, but now practicing those old elementary lessons is done with ease.

When we first learn something and we are tested on that which we have learned, we make it extremely hard for ourselves when we second-guess what we know to do. If that is not the case, we stumble over that which we already know because we are not giving it our full attention. It is so important that we are fully conscious of everything that we undertake, be it our words, thoughts, beliefs, or actions. No matter what we are doing, excellence must always be our number one goal. We reap exactly that which we sow. An apple seed planted in fertile ground has never produced a banana tree. Again, we reap exactly that which we sow.

I Create A Beauty-Full Life, One Word, One Action, and One Day At A Time!

My Every Word Always Accurately Reflects My Actions!

So Be It! ~ So It Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Sept. 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Highly Favored

I Am Blessed and Highly Favored!

Since 1999 I have been hearing more people saying the following statement on a frequent basis, “I Am Blessed and Highly Favored.” When I first heard that saying it sounded very positive to me, but for some reason I did not feel the need to adapt the saying and start to use it for myself. Not long after hearing it for the first time I started to feel uncomfortable with it when I would hear it used. At the time I did not understand why I was starting to feel so uncomfortable the statement, it seemed like a very positive and an uplifting affirmation that anyone could use. However, after hearing it for a while it just did not seem to feel right within me, It did not settle in my spirit, it was getting more uncomfortable and unsettling. I wrestled with the statement and also with the uncomfortable feeling it produced for a while before I starting to reach a level of understanding of what I was going on within me.

To help you understand exactly what I was feeling here are a few definitions.


1. made holy

2. bringing happiness or good fortune


1. very much

2. very favorably

3. in a high position or rank


1. preferred to any other

2. enjoying advantages and/or privileges denied to others

In line with those definitions, to be Blessed and Highly Favored means that one is holy, (morally and spiritually perfect and of a devoutly religious character, one who is dedicated or set apart for religious purposes) and placed in a position above others because she/he has been chosen and placed in a special position, a position that the average person is not privileged to occupy.

From what I learned over the years when I was exclusively following the Christian religion, and also the time following that when my True Spiritual Consciousness began to awaken, I came to know and understand in a very deep realistic way that the Divine personage that most people call GOD does not choose favorites. Each and every person is loved and blessed equally by DIVINE SOURCE. The action of placing someone in a position of favor above others is a human action and state of mind. Actually to be correct and point blank concerning this very serious matter, it is a defective lower vibrational human state of mind and choice. We choose favorites out of ignorance, because we do not see the entire picture in the way that DIVINE SOURCE does when we are evaluating and interpreting the whole of creation.

A major mistake that is made often by men and women alike is to place DIVINE SOURCE in the box of expression and understanding that humans occupy. That is why you will hear people write, teach, and talk about a jealous GOD, the fear of GOD, the vengeance of GOD, and the wrath of GOD. All of those expressions are based firmly and completely in the limited erroneous human mind. What possibly could the All-Powerful and All-Knowing GOD be jealous of? GOD is jealous of absolutely nothing and no one. When someone is jealous of another, that is because they feel bitter and unhappy with the other person because they believe that person has something that they want and should have. They feel that the other person has an unfair advantage over them. If GOD is LOVE as we are correctly taught, how could GOD/LOVE solicit fear from us? Do you want the person who loves you and you love to be in a relationship that is full of fear? Love and fear do not and cannot occupy the same space at the same time.

We have wrongfully been taught that we are sinners from birth. Also that GOD will punish us and possibly condemn us to eternal suffering and damnation if we make certain mis-takes as we go through this life experience. To be born a sinner means that DIVINE SOURCE created us in a less than perfect state of being. It means that DIVINE SOURCE was faulty in creating woman and man and the whole of creation. DIVINE SOURCE is incapable of such a thing, making that absolute impossibility. There is no such thing as the wrath of GOD. Wrath is fury and fury is another trait that is exclusively assigned to humanity and its limited mental human nature. No matter what we have been taught GOD/DIVINE SOURCE does not and cannot possess any level of fury.

Everything I have shared with you speaks to the fact that we need to individually re-evaluate and examine who and what GOD/DIVINE SOURCE truly is. A great deal of what is written in the Holy Books of the world is based on and founded in severely flawed and limited human reasoning and understanding however, I do believe that for the most part most of it was sincerely written even though it was written in error. Since that is a part of our reality, if we decide to follow one of the many structured religions in the world today, it is to our benefit and the benefit of the whole to do so with the assistance of the inner spiritual guidance and the intuition of our Spirit. Each of us must question and fully examine everything we hear, see, and are taught, because we are the only ones that are responsible for our spiritual growth and our life giving or life distorting actions. We must know the consequences of our actions before we take action on what we are told we should take action on.

If we speed to fast around the corner of a mountain road that may be the last road we travel. But if we take our time and safely travel down that mountain road, we will surely get to our destination, maybe not as quickly as we would like, but we will get there safely.

All of Us Are Chosen, Cherished and Loved Equally!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
September 9, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Unadulterated Truth

September 2, 2008

It has been taught for thousands of years that man and woman were exiled from the Garden of Eden because of sin, and because of that we have to struggle and work by the sweat of our brow to atone for our sin in order to get back into to Garden. Following that the theory of Heaven and Hell was created. However, Heaven and Hell are not physical places. To experience Heaven, is to experience the Divine reality and consciousness of our Eternal Oneness with GODDESS-GOD. To experience Hell is to except and believe the false teaching that there is a separation between GODDESS-GOD and us. So in essence Heaven and Hell is only a state of mind. Either we are in the proper state of mind, which produces Heaven right here on Earth, or we are in a faulty illusionary state, which produces Hell right here on Earth as well. This reality debunks the popular false teaching that the human race is in need of a saviour. Our saviour is recalling who we are and who we are eternally connected to.

There are a number of impossibilities in life; the number one major impossibility is our separation from GODDESS-GOD. No one and nothing can separate us from our Beloved CREATOR MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD. It is absolutely impossibly for any form of life to exist outside of our Oneness with GODDESS-GOD. Every single part of creation is a part of GODDESS-GOD. That is why my Native American, African, and Australian ancestors saw/see and respected GODDESS-GOD in all things, even in rocks. Their outward reverence for all living and non-living things was mis-interpreted as the worship of false Gods. They did not worship the trees, the birds or animals; they simply saw GREAT SPIRIT in all things.

Every form of creation is an expression of the Love of GODDESS-GOD. That is why it is so important that we respect Earth Mother and every form of in, on, and around her. Just because we walk on two legs, have egos, and create things, does not make us more important than those in the animal kingdom, or more important than the life giving and life producing plants in the Rain Forest. When we disrespect this planet and throw off the balance of nature because of our thoughtless, greedy, and self-centeredness, we are disrespecting the most important one of all, MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD. Every form of creation is an expression of the Beauty-Full Magnificent Unconditional Love GODDESS-GOD.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
September 2, 2008

We are not here to suffer to atone for any sin. To God, there is no such thing as sin. We do not have to find our way back to heaven because we were never exiled from it. Heaven does not exist as a place. There is nothing we have to do to earn the love of God. It is inherent in who we are. We are not here to struggle. We are not here to be the victim of God’s creation. We are here to experience our power as creators.

David Panozzo

Sacred Petition


DIVINE SOURCE, CREATOR of all things, YOU are Sacred and Divine in every way. I bow down within my Spirit before YOU and offer YOU my Love, Devotion, Honor, and Praise.

YOU are Benevolent and Glorious in every way. YOUR Sacred Energy is made real within my Spirit; because of that, I live within YOUR Sacred presence eternally.

YOUR Divine Energy, Perfect Will, and Sacred Precepts reside deep within my Spirit, and YOUR truth and fullness is made manifest in and through all that I am, and all that I do.

YOUR Perfect Will is personified within my Spirit, and within my Heart and Soul. and my entire being.

DIVINE SOURCE, YOU have abundantly Blessed me, and I am humbled and grateful for the Blessings. Through YOUR Sacred Energy of Unconditional Love I openly receive YOUR Divine Provisions in abundance as they meet my every desire and need.

Daily YOU show me that I Am One with YOU and likewise one with the Whole of Creation. Further more, YOU forgive me and Love me even when I fall short of YOUR Divine yet reachable goals.

Because I Am One With YOU, I mirror YOUR Unconditional Love and Forgiveness to my sisters, brothers, the Whole of Creation, and most importantly myself.

YOUR Divine Wisdom and Guidance shield me from the permanent damage of the illusions, temptations, and deception that is found in overwhelming in abundance on this physical plane. Because of YOUR Divine guidance, I can never be tempted to the point of total failure. Nor am I fooled in any way to continue to follow that which looks good at first glance, but does not produce the Sacred and Precious Fruits of Unconditional Love and Abundant Everlasting Life.

Following Divine Guidance is how I get to Paradise. Paradise is the Promised Land where YOU my Heavenly Parent MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD, Unconditional Love, Divine Light, Sacred Power, and Inexhaustible Glory Reside and Rule Supreme Throughout Eternity.

Following YOUR Divine Guidance is how I get to Paradise, and Paradise is the Promised Land where YOU, my Glorious Spiritual Parent, and the Sacred Energies of Peace, Divine Light, Sacred Power, Unconditional Love, and Inexhaustible Radiant Glory resides and Rules Supreme Throughout Eternity.

Paradise Is YOUR Eternal Sacred Dwelling Place Within My Spirit; It Is Our One and Only Sacred Place of Unparalleled Oneness and Unconditional Love.

My Eternal Reality rests within YOUR Glorious Presence MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD.

So It Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © November 8, 2006

(Revised May 5, 2010)