Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sacred Petition


DIVINE SOURCE, CREATOR of all things, YOU are Sacred and Divine in every way. I bow down within my Spirit before YOU and offer YOU my Love, Devotion, Honor, and Praise.

YOU are Benevolent and Glorious in every way. YOUR Sacred Energy is made real within my Spirit; because of that, I live within YOUR Sacred presence eternally.

YOUR Divine Energy, Perfect Will, and Sacred Precepts reside deep within my Spirit, and YOUR truth and fullness is made manifest in and through all that I am, and all that I do.

YOUR Perfect Will is personified within my Spirit, and within my Heart and Soul. and my entire being.

DIVINE SOURCE, YOU have abundantly Blessed me, and I am humbled and grateful for the Blessings. Through YOUR Sacred Energy of Unconditional Love I openly receive YOUR Divine Provisions in abundance as they meet my every desire and need.

Daily YOU show me that I Am One with YOU and likewise one with the Whole of Creation. Further more, YOU forgive me and Love me even when I fall short of YOUR Divine yet reachable goals.

Because I Am One With YOU, I mirror YOUR Unconditional Love and Forgiveness to my sisters, brothers, the Whole of Creation, and most importantly myself.

YOUR Divine Wisdom and Guidance shield me from the permanent damage of the illusions, temptations, and deception that is found in overwhelming in abundance on this physical plane. Because of YOUR Divine guidance, I can never be tempted to the point of total failure. Nor am I fooled in any way to continue to follow that which looks good at first glance, but does not produce the Sacred and Precious Fruits of Unconditional Love and Abundant Everlasting Life.

Following Divine Guidance is how I get to Paradise. Paradise is the Promised Land where YOU my Heavenly Parent MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD, Unconditional Love, Divine Light, Sacred Power, and Inexhaustible Glory Reside and Rule Supreme Throughout Eternity.

Following YOUR Divine Guidance is how I get to Paradise, and Paradise is the Promised Land where YOU, my Glorious Spiritual Parent, and the Sacred Energies of Peace, Divine Light, Sacred Power, Unconditional Love, and Inexhaustible Radiant Glory resides and Rules Supreme Throughout Eternity.

Paradise Is YOUR Eternal Sacred Dwelling Place Within My Spirit; It Is Our One and Only Sacred Place of Unparalleled Oneness and Unconditional Love.

My Eternal Reality rests within YOUR Glorious Presence MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD.

So It Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © November 8, 2006

(Revised May 5, 2010)

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