Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cup of Inspiration - Present Moment Reality

Thy light of goodness and Thy protective powers are ever shining through me. I saw them not, because my eyes of wisdom were closed. Now Thy touch of peace has opened my eyes; Thy goodness and unfailing protection are flowing through me.

O Spirit, make my soul Thy temple, but make my heart Thy beloved home where Thou wouldst dwell with me in ease and everlasting understanding.

From: Metaphysical Meditations
By: Paramahansa Yogananda

What Paramahansa Yogananda spoke of above is my present moment reality, my Glorious Now Time experience. Eternal Oneness with MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD and the Whole of Creation is my ultimate ongoing conscious experience.

I Am Spiritually Intoxicated. Divinity Is The Wine, Spiritual Oneness Is My High!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
January 12, 2010

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