Thursday, January 7, 2010


Inspirational Stimulation

Wholeness is the Sacred Energy that is designed through the Divine Perfection of Love Everlasting. Every form of creation was and is created in Wholeness and Eternal Perfection. Anything less than that is created in the dark gloomy caverns of our human minds, which is the place where our temporal human intellect falsely believes that it has all the answers and everything it produces is absolute. Everything that the mind produces is absolute, absolute in its process of rotting away into the void of none-existence.

Guess what? We do have all of the answers, but they are not to be found within our minds. The answers to everything can be found within the core of our being, and the core of our being is found at the very center of our Spirit. That is the Sacred Space where We Are Eternally One With GOD, or as I prefer to say GODDESS-GOD in complete honor of both the masculine and feminine energies of the CREATOR of all things.

The words Wholeness and Oneness speak directly to the beliefs of many ancient cultures that teach about the Sacred Circle. The circle denotes uninterrupted infinite flow. That brings to mind the saying, Let Not The Circle Be Broken. I am here to tell you that The Circle Can Never Be Broken. Man made illusion is the only thing that gives the impression that the circle can be broken. The circle is one of many signs that signifies infinity. Since I have begun to awaken Spiritually and enter into this Divine Reality, I say the following with great fervor and conviction.

Let Not The Sacred Circle of Spiritual Consciousness Within Us Be Broken.

Peace, Love and Light!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © 01.07.10

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