Sunday, April 18, 2010



Sometimes when I seek deeper harmony, I listen to different compositions of music. Music is the Universal Language that the Whole of Creation responds to through the Sacred Energy of Love. Music’s melodic vibrations and energies cause my Spirit and heart to take flight into the Sacred Realm of Divine Harmony and Eternal Oneness. That is possibility because music is saturated with the Sacred Energy and synchronicity of Love, Joy, Peace, Gratitude, and the Eternal Natural Flow of SPIRIT. Music is a wonderful combination of energies that resonate deep within the core of every living being on earth. Actually, the same energies responsible for music are responsible for the creation of all life, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial alike. Even the wildest of animals are soothed by the harmonics of nature’s music, which flows from deep within the Sacred Energy of Creation that dwells in every living creature. Because musical vibrations flow from deep within the Sacred Energy of Creation, in its purest form it is completely positive in make-up and nature. As birds sing their melodic songs, they sooth everyone who has ears to hear and whose consciousness is open to receive such blessings. An instrumental orchestration can express a composers deepest emotion of Love without using a single word, that orchestration can touch and sooth the hearts and minds of those that take the time to truly hear and receive it’s positive vibrations. The harmony and energy within our Spirit, likewise can touch and sooth us. It also can touch and sooth those who enter into conscious contact with our energy when their surrounding worlds overlaps with our surrounding worlds. Our surrounding world consists of everything we believe, everything we create, and everything that is in our aura and in us. Our aura is the energy force field that surrounds our bodies.

If you are traveling across a scorched desert, periodically you may come across a cactus plant that may be adorned with a beautiful blossom. That cactus plant seemingly has sprung up from nowhere, and it houses a wonderful surprise. Deep within the core of the cactus, which is its place of balance and harmony, can be found a refreshing drink for those who thirst and desperately need water. That is a wonderful reflection of the beauty to be found deep within the harmony of the deserts. It is a wonderful surprise from a desolate place, which at first sight seemed to be completely barren and lifeless. No matter what we are looking at, or how things may seem to us at first glance, there is always an inner core of Harmony, Oneness, Light, Peace, Joy, Beauty, Wholeness, and the greatest harmonizing energy of all, Unconditional Love. The key is for us to be completely focused, and utilize enough patience to be able to see, and tap into the awesome harmonizing energy of THE DIVINE within, and give our complete attention to the Sacred Vibration of Harmony. Especially as we are experiencing challenges as we temporarily sojourn through this dense physical plane experiencing physical life.

In many musical compositions, you will find natural notes, sharp notes, and flat notes. When heard separately they may sound like they would conflict with each other if they were to be played in the same song. However, when played together in accordance with musical law, they flow together and create beautiful music. Notes that are natural, sharp, and flat can be placed together properly in a musical score and create beautiful music. Music that is full of harmony and rhythm, creating an atmosphere that is Wonderfully Divine. All notes in Spiritually conscious musical compositions are designed within the composers Spirit by way of his or her Higher Spiritual Self. All music created in that way produces harmony and creates magical and beautiful musical vibrations that sooth the hearts and minds of those who are open to receive such a mystical experience. It is essential that we allow the harmony and oneness of differences to come together, enhance each other, and work and flow together as intended. That is one way that different vibrations produce harmony. The bitter and the sweet come together in the Oneness of Harmony; they are a delightful compilation of contrasts that are Simply Divine when they come together, even though they may be total opposites. Experiencing the sour helps us to appreciate and know the difference between sweat and sour. We have grown accustom to dissecting and judging just about everything we encounter. That in turn has caused us to consciously disconnect from the Oneness, Power, and Harmony of Creation in its many variations, the Oneness, Power, and Harmony of Creation that SPIRIT created for our complete enjoyment.

Opposites are designed to compliment each other, Not Disagree with each other.

Duality is an ongoing Sacred reality.

If I only focused on the first word of every sentence, I would never get the full message the sentence was created to express. Here is a good example of what I am saying in the following sentence.

Darkness gave birth to the glorious sunlight of a new and fabulous day as Earth Mother continued her majestic and graceful rotation.

If I stopped while reading that sentence and only focused on and digested the first word which is darkness, and did not read the entire sentence, I would have ended up creating and holding onto a faulty concept that is completely different from that which was actually being communicated. I might start thinking something like this. Darkness, oh how gloomy, heavy, and depressing it is. So many people in the world today are full of dark energy. Then I might possibly conclude with something like this. There is no hope for the world because it is full of an over abundance of darkness. That conclusion could not be further from the truth when speaking of what was being communicated in that sentence. We tend to latch onto words and phrases, and distort the true meaning of what is being said to us, when we have not learned how to utilize the art of listening.

We need to seek harmony in every area of our lives. There must be harmony and balance between talking and listening to each other. There must be harmony and balance between giving and receiving. There must be harmony and balance between the bitter and the sweet. There must be harmony and balance between women and men. There must be harmony and balance between the young and the old. In addition, there must be harmony and balance between Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and all other religions. If humanity is going to reap the most beneficial results possible, there must be harmony and balance between women, men, girls, and boys alike. There also must be sincere respect for this planet and every form of creation found on it, within it, and in the atmosphere and universe, that surrounds it.

Differences are created to Spiritually trigger an awakening, to teach us and facilitate growth on every level of our existence, and to initiate our essential Spiritual and intellectual evolution and expansion to the point of creating an atmosphere of Spiritual Oneness and Harmony. Differences were never created, or allowed to exist for the purpose of dividing and/or destroying relationships and Universal Harmony. If we have a different viewpoint than someone else, our viewpoint does not have to be right and take away from his or her viewpoint and their viewpoint do not have to be right and take away from our viewpoint. All viewpoints should compliment each other by encouraging the expansion and evolution of each other’s viewpoints. When different viewpoints are looked at equally together, that can cause everyone to see the broader picture in a much clearer and more enlightened way. There is a melodious way of hearing, and a crystal-clear way of viewing, receiving, and comprehending all opposite experiences that enter into our lives.

It takes two opposing electrically charged energy poles, one that has a positive charge and one that has a negative charge working together in harmony in order for a battery to work the way it is designed to work. That is a good example of opposites working together to produce a positive outcome. If a material object, such as a battery can accommodate the Divine Flow of Harmony between two opposites, why does it seem so difficult for so-called intelligent human beings to do the same? We must once again bring harmony back to the forefront of every single one of our relationships. Only then can the energy that we produced be constructively utilized to the fullest. Because of a lack of harmony, we are only utilizing a very small percentage of the positive creative energy that is available to us. Opposites can and do work very well together in harmony with the assistance of it’s cousin balance. I like something Louise L. Hay say’s about harmony.

When we create harmony in our minds and hearts, we will find it in our lives. The inner creates the outer. Always.

Yes, that’s it! The inner always creates the outer. We must continually go within and focus on the Divine Direction SPIRIT is providing us with in our Spirit.

Harmony Is The Divine Design Created For The Whole of Creation.

One Love!

One Light!

One rhythm!

One Harmony!


Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Copyright © Jan. 2009

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